Classroom Procedures
Classroom $$$
Our Schedule

My pencil needs sharpened.  What do I do?

Raise your hand and Mrs. Strittmatter or Mrs. Oshetsky will sharpen your pencil for you.


When you earn classroom cash, where does it go?

In your envelope labeled with your name.


I called out an answer during a math lesson. What rule am I breaking?

Rule #3.  Always raise your hand when you want to speak.  Please no shout outs!


It is 10:25.  Where are we?

Recess!  Recess will be 20 minute long everyday.


True or False.  It is the end of the day.  I am going to leave all of my belongings at school.


Everything you bring to school that morning must got home with you at the end of the day.


You have $7 in classroom cash.  Are you able to go to the prize box?

No.  You must earn at least $10 to go to the prize box.  


I told a student in my group to "shut up".  What rule did you break?

Rule #2.  Respectful words AND actions always!


It is 9:00.  What will we be working on during this time?

Morning work!


I have to use the restroom.  What do I do?

Raise your hand for permission.  

Use the sign out sheet to write your name and the time.


What color is the classroom cash?



I decided to poke a holes in my folder with my pencil.  What rule are you breaking?

Rule #5.  Take CARE of our materials!  


It is 10:15.  What will we be doing?

Eating your snack and listening to the read aloud.


True or False.  I am not allowed to bring toys from home to play with during class.  

True!  Toys from home can be a distraction and interfere with your learning!  Leave them at home.


How much money must you earn to go to the prize box?



I decided to kick my neighbor under the table while I complete my work.  What rule are you breaking?

Rule #4.  Keep hands and feet TO YOURSELF!


It is 11:45.  What will we be doing during this time?

Packing up and dismissal.


True or False.  I need to use the restroom.  I am allowed to use the bathrooms on the third grade floor.

False!  You may only use the restroom on the fourth grade floor.


True or False.  Mrs. Strittmatter and Mrs. Oshetsky are allowed to take cash away if I am not following the rules. 

True.  Earning cash is a privilege and given when you are following the rules and behaving appropriately.


I am having a difficult time with a math problem.  I tell the teachers I am not going to try because it is too hard and I immediately give up.  What rule are you breaking?

Rule #1.  Always have a positive attitude.  It is okay to not have the right answers, as long as you are trying!


It is 11:00.  Will we be outside or in the classroom?

We will be in the classroom working on ELA or Math.