The Basics
For the Bible tells me so
It is written

This word means to make a reply, to give an answer, or to make a defense

What is apologetics?


The number of Books in the New Testament

What is 27?


He wrote more books of the New Testament than any other writer.

Who is Paul?


The truth of Christianity primarily stands or falls on this historical event.

What is the resurrection of Jesus?


He is the former writer for the Chicago Tribune who wrote "The Case for Christ" after he unsuccessfully tried to prove that Christianity was not true

Who is Lee Strobel?


This Bible verse commands us to always be "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you"

What is 1 Peter 3:15?


2 Timothy 3:16 says that "All Scripture is _________ ___________ by God"

What is "breathed out"?


There are three original biblical languages. Name two of them.

What are Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic?


Most scholars now believe the majority of New Testament books were written before 70 AD because this major event is missing from them.

What is the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem?


Norman Geisler and Frank Turek are the co-authors of the book "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an ____________"

What is an Atheist?


Subjective truths deal with our personal preferences and can change, but ______________ truths are true for everyone and cannot change

What are objective truths?


This word means that the Bible has no mistakes

What is inerrant?


In 1 Corinthians 7:23, the editors of the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible voted to use this word instead of the word "slave"

What is bondservant?


This Jewish military leader surrendered to the Romans around 66 AD. He later became a historian and is one of the primary non-biblical sources about Jesus.

Who is Josephus?


The ________ Minute Apologist

What is One?


This "Law" means that opposite ideas cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense.

What is the Law of Noncontradiction?


The Bible has 66 books. This book of the Bible has 66 chapters.

What is Isaiah?


1 Corinthians 15:3-8 includes a creed that Christians began using within 2-5 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. This creed states that Jesus appeared to more than this many believers.

What is 500?


Luke 3:1-2 is an excellent example of Eyewitness Testimony, because Luke gives a specific date and names seven specific political and religious leaders, including this governor of Judea

Who is Pontius Pilate?


This is not a line of evidence that is used to determine whether the New Testament writers were telling the truth: 

A) Eyewitness Details

B) Embarrassing Stories

C) Extra-Terrestrial Beings

What are C) Extra-Terrestrial Beings?


This is a great question to ask someone who says, "There is no such thing as truth"

What is "Is that true?"


He wrote the book of Acts.

Who is Luke?


We have the original manuscripts of this many books of the Bible 

What is zero?


Matthew 28 tells us that after the resurrection of Jesus, the chief priests gave the soldiers guarding Jesus's tomb a large sum of money to say that Jesus's disciples did this while the soldiers were sleeping

What is stole Jesus's body away?


The New International Version (NIV) is an example of a "Thought for Thought" Bible Translation.

The English Standard Version (ESV) is an example of a "__________ for ___________" Bible Translation.

What is "Word for Word"?