(characterization and inferencing)
Descramble and Define Vocab
Could Be Anything!
Seventh Grade

Characterization can be done through various PROCEDURES, what does this word mean? 

(n.) a process or method.


Elective = (n.) a course that is not required
(adj.) relating to or involving the process of voting 


When exactly does the narrator's view of girls change?

13 years old.


What is the if-then strategy?

it is a way to figure out how a story (plot) would change if a character were different / their character traits changed.


What does overlook mean, and which character does this action?

Overlook means to disregard, and Mr. Bueller does this when Victor reveals he cannot speak French, Mr. Bueller overlooks this and continues his lesson.


A key way you can connect to a text is by ___________________.

Comparing similarities in the story to other stories you have read before. 



Mortal = (adj.) very great or severe
(n.) a human being 


In what Point of View is this story told in?



What can we infer about the Girls narrator when he has to ask Eileen if she wants popcorn 3 times? 

he says it too quietly the first two times for her to hear him so does not answer, and then shouts it because he is so nervous


Explain what we can infer about the character reaction of Mr. Bueller to Victor's mistakes in French? (think about the memory Victor's actions remind him of)

Mr. Bueller knows what its like to try to impress a girl. He remembers his own attempts to impress a girl with renting nice cars.


by using such adjectives as: "hollered, screamed, cried, whispered" instead of the word "said" which type of Indirect characterization is it using? 

Speech (dialogue tags)


Tortuous = (adj.) extremely difficult


Why did the Narrator decide not to pick his date up at her home? 

He did not want to meet Eileen's parents! #embarrased


Girls is in first person writing style, what is Seventh Grade? 

Third-person limited (or isolated) meaning it is he/she/they/character name but follows one character mostly. (Victor in Seventh Grade)


What are Victor and Michael doing and why when Michael teaches 'scowling'? 

**bonus if you can also explain the other reason why Michael learns to scowl**

Picking grapes to raise money for new school clothes, and because Michael thinks scowling impresses girls.

**He wants to be a male model**


What does Direct verse Indirect characterization mean?
**Bonus if you can fully list ways of the one with x5 methods/types)**

Direct = Telling the reader
Indirect = Showing the reader
(by, appearance, speech, actions, thoughts and feelings or characters reactions.)



Sheepishly (adv.)—awkwardly; with embarrassment


Why does the narrator have to go see the movie a second time with Wayne?

He could not focus on the movie when he went with his crush



Obsession = (n.) a fascination or passion


How do we know Mr. Bueller (French Teacher) is understanding (kind)?

When he realizes Victor cannot speak French, he does not correct Victor's claim that he can.

Making inferences needs 2 key things, and 1 thing you don't for fiction writing, list them.

Educated guesses based on 1. your own experiences and knowledge and 2. clues written in the story. 

Do not need: find Evidence 


Bluff = (v.) to pretend something, especially in order to achieve what you want in a difficult or dangerous situation; to deceive 


based on the following quotes what can we infer about Eileen and the Narrator's character traits?
1. "Eileen pretended not to notice the sweat filling my shoes."

2. "I dropped my handful of money" and "maybe she was a big eater."

Eileen is shown to be a kind, polite and tolerant person.

The narrator's actions (dropping money) shows he is nervous and anxious BUT he is romantic as his thoughts show he considered what Eileen might want (lots of food)


What is the result (narrative climax) of Victor's attempt to speak French?

Teresa comes to compliment and congratulate him on his French and asks for his help in her learning French.


Based on this quote: “great rosebushes of red bloomed on Victor’s cheeks.” What is Victor’s feeling? What does he think will happen next?

It shows Victor is embarrassed and nervous. He thinks he has probably lost his chance to impress Teresa because the teacher is calling his bluff