Resp. of Gov't
Gov't Vocabulary
Articles to Constitution
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Who Can Run?

The following are characteristics of which Responsibility of Government?

- Direction: Create goals for the country
- Communication: Keep citizens informed
- Problem Solving: Deal with issues that arise
- Management: Keep things running smoothly
- Foreign Relations: Open channels of communication with other countries

What is...Provide Leadership


The best definition for a republic.

What is... A form of government in which the people elect representatives to rule or govern for them. 


Our nation's first government.

What is... The Articles of Confederation. (It failed because it was too weak)


The main responsibility of the Legislative Branch of the US government.

What is... Make Laws


The main responsibility of the Executive Branch of the US government.

What is... Enforce laws.


The main responsibility of the Judicial Branch of the US government.

What is... Interpret laws.


What are Natural Rights?

What are...A basic set of rights that ALL people are entitled to.


What office(s) can the following person run for?

     - 48 year old male

     - Republican Party member

     - US citizen for 14 years

     - Resident of Hobart (a Hobartian)

What is... Representative in the House and Senator


The following are characteristics of which Responsibility of Government?

- Make Laws
- Enforce laws
- Judicial System to decide if laws are broken or if rights are violated.
- Punishment System when laws are broken or rights are violated
- Rehabilitation or parole

What is...Promote Standards of Behavior


The best definition for federalism.

What is... A form of government in which power is shared between the central and state governments 


The Anti-Federalists most feared this.

What is... A strong central government that could take away power from the states and rights from the people.


In order to run for the House of Representatives, you must meet these age, citizenship, and residency qualifications.

What are...
 - at least 25 years old
 - US citizen for at least 7 years
 - resident of the state you represent.


In order to run for President, you must meet these age, citizenship, and residency qualifications.

What are...
 - At least 35 years old
 - natural born US citizen
 - a resident of the US for at least 14 years.


The minimum age needed to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

What is... No age limit.


The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution protects these 5 freedoms.

What are... Freedoms of Speech, Religion, the Press, Assembly, and Petition.


What office(s) can the following person run for?

     - 41 year old female

     - Born in Vancouver, Canada

     - Washington resident since 2000

What is... None. Never became a US citizen.


The following are characteristics of which Responsibility of Government?

- Military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard)
- Intelligence (FBI/NSA/CIA)
- Homeland security (TSA, Border Patrol)

What is...Provide National Security.


The best definition for the term amend or amendment.

What is... To change or revise 


What the Preamble to the US Constitution describes for citizens.

What is... It sets the overall goals of the US Constitution. 


In order to run for the Senate, you must meet these age, citizenship, and residency qualifications.

What are...
 - At least 30 years old
 - US citizen for at least 9 years
 - resident of the state you represent.


This group, not a popular vote of the people, actually elects the President of the US.

Who are... The Electoral College (Electors).


This person in what Branch of government can appoint new Supreme Court Justices?

Who is...the President in the Executive Branch of government


The 2nd Amendment protects our rights to have and carry weapons, which is better known as the right to...

What is... Bear Arms.


What office(s) can the following person run for?

     - 40 year old female

     - College Graduate

     - Born in Minnesota

     - Resident Michigan for 15 years

What is... Representative in the House, Senator, and President


The following are characteristics of which Responsibility of Government?

- Make Money
- Control trade
- Create Jobs: Manage Unemployment
- Tax People
- Development of natural resources

What is...Make Economic Decisions.


The best description of the Bill of Rights

What is... The first ten amendments to the Constitution. These lay out the basic rights of citizens.


The strongest criticism of the US Constitution, which prevented some states from ratifying it

What is... It did not have a bill of rights to protect individual freedoms. 


How many Senators in the Senate and how many Representatives in the House does each state get?

What is... 

- Senators = 2 for each state
- Representatives = Based on Population


Once elected, how long does the President serve in office.

What is...4 years. (If reelected, they can serve for another 4 years, but they are limited to serving two four-year terms total).


How many Supreme Court Justices does the US government have?

What is...Nine


In order to prevent this, the 4th Amendment requires police to get a warrant.

What is... illegal search and seizure. (protects the right to privacy for US citizens)


What office(s) can the following person run for?

     - 21 year old male

     - Born in New York

     - Massachusetts resident

What is... None. Too young.


The following are characteristics of which Responsibility of Government?

- Transportation System
- Education System
- Public Wellness: Medical, Nourishment, Safety Regulations, Medics
- Entertainment: Parks, Stadiums, etc.
- Welfare for the poor
- Oversee Utilities and Communications Systems

What is...Provide Public Services.


What form of government did the Constitution create for the US, having the central government and state governments share equal power AND having elected representatives govern for the people?

What is...A Federal Republic.


Why the US Constitution is considered a "living" document

What is... The amendment process allows it be revised to fit better with the ever-changing world. 


What is the length of one term in office for a Senator and a Representative?

What is...

- Senator = 6 years
- Representative = 2 years


What are the 3 options for the President when a Bill passed by Congress comes across their desk?

What are...

- Sign and pass the Bill into Law.
- Veto the Bill, rejecting it which sends it back to Congress for an override vote.
- Wait 10 days without signing or vetoing the Bill (this automatically makes it into a Law).


Ways a Supreme Court Justice can lose their position on the Supreme Court.

What is... Die, retire, or be impeached. They have no term limits.


The 13th Amendment ended this practice in America.

What is... Slavery.


What office(s) can the following person run for?

32 year old man

Born in Ontario

US resident for 29 years

What is... None. Never became a US citizen.