SUN Community School Basics
Teaching Strategies
SUN Support Staff Duties
Viking Expectations

True or False? 

SUN is a childcare program.


SUN Extended Day is an after-school enrichment program that provides academic support and enrichment. Students develop a variety of skills and strengths such as math, literacy, SEL, creative expression, identity, and more.

SUN Community School is a neighborhood resource center that provides wraparound resources, such as free after-school enrichment, food pantries, resource navigation, and community events.


It is expected that activity leaders facilitate a fifteen-minute SEL activity at the beginning of each class. Name one example of an SEL activity that an activity leader could facilitate.

SEL activities, also known as Social-emotional learning activities, support individuals in developing the skills and attitudes needed to effectively navigate the social and emotional demands of daily life. Some examples of SEL activities are mindful minutes and community circles.


True or False?

While monitoring student's during recess, it is okay if you don't have a walkie-talkie as long as another staff that's also monitoring the students has one.


All staff must have walkie-talkies during recess.


True or False?

Students are not allowed to use technology (such as phones and computers) during recess.


Student's personal technology devices such as phones or computes need to stay in their backpacks throughout the SUN Community School Day.


True or False?

COVID-19 Safety:
Masking is required to be a part of the SUN Community School.


Currently, masking is optional. Please be aware that his policy may change as local guidelines change to reflect the risk level of Multnomah County.


When does our Food Pantry take place? (Day and Time)

Mondays after school from 3:15 to 4:15 pm.


If you wanted to conduct a Mindful Minute at the beginning of your SUN class, how would you get a chime?

There are chimes that you can borrow on the teacher supply cart. You could also request to buy a chime by sending an Amazon link to the SUN Site Manager.


What is the budget for an activity leader that teaches twice a week?

If you teach SUN twice a week, your budget for the term is $200.


Name at least 3 classroom expectations for your students

  • Use a level one voice (whispering or speaking softly).

  • Keeping hands and bodies to themselves and their own belongings. 

  • Listen with voices off when the teacher or another student is speaking.

  • Stay in their assigned seat unless you have permission to move around the classroom.

  • Ask for permission before using technology such as a phone or Chromebook.

  • Ask and obtain a SUN bathroom pass before leaving the classroom to use the restroom.

  • What else?

Where should walkie-talkies be stored at the end of the day?

Walkie-Talkies should be stored on the charger on the teacher supply cart in the SUN hallway at the end of dismissal every day.


What steps can you take if you hear that a student has been experiencing chronic pain but the family does not have health insurance?

This is an example of "resource navigation," which falls under the role of a SUN Site Manager. Tell the SUN Site Manager what you heard so that they can refer the family to appropriate resources.


Name some steps an activity leader might take during a transition from one activity to another to make the transition safe and smooth?

-Head count

-Stand at the front of the line and walk backwards to maintain sight of students

-Call attention to positive behavior

-Stop the line if expectations are not being followed.

-Assign a door holder so that the activity leader can remain in front


During a regularly scheduled SUN day, what should the activity leaders be doing at 5:20PM?

The dismissal window for SUN occurs from 5:15-5:30. During this time, activity leaders can choose to implement any low-maintenance activity such as silent reading, free drawing, community circle, etc. 

This can also be unstructured social time for the students to connect and say their goodbyes while the activity leader tidies up the classroom and prepares for the end of the day.


Can students eat their supper at a later time if they are not hungry at supper time?

No, students cannot eat their supper at another time. Food that is not consumed during supper time cannot be eaten during other activities. 


What should you do if you forgot to clock in for your shift?

Text or email the SUN Site Manager.

Please provide one example of how a school or program can be "culturally responsive."

*Information is provided in multiple languages, particularly the top 5 languages of the community.

*Interpreters are available upon request.

*Classroom visuals are representative of all students.

*Staff understand and respect cultural differences and do not expect students and families to conform to their own cultural norms.

*What else?


When should an activity leader review classroom expectations?

At the beginning of the first class and then as often as needed throughout the term.


True of False? You are welcome to take SUN supplies from the stage without first discussing with the SUN Site Manager.


We have basic school supplies stored on the stage that are available for use. If you are wondering if we have a certain school supply, please ask the SUN Site Manager. 

** Please do not take supplies from bins that have staff names on them. These bins contain supplies the instructors will use for the term. 


Name at least 3 cafeteria expectations for your students

  • Students will use a level one or level two voice.

  • Students will remain seated, not moving around the cafeteria, unless they are using the “No, Thank You” basket or throwing away trash or getting water.

  • Students will put any unwanted, unopened food in the “No, thank you” basket, which other students can take.

  • Students will not share food from home.

  • Students will not remove any technology (such as phones and computers) from their backpacks during supper.

  • Students will eat their supper during supper time. Food that is not consumed cannot be eaten during other activities.


How do you request program supplies to be purchased out of the budget that has been allocated for your SUN class?

Send Amazon links by email to the SUN Site Manager.


What's wrong with this statement, and how would you fix it? "SUN is a program at Ventura Park Elementary School."

This language is extremely limiting, as it implies that SUN is both an outside entity and a "program" with a limited purpose and scope. It is especially wrong to say that SUN is an "after-school program," as this is not the only function of SUN. However, you can say "SUN Extended Day" is an after-school program.

We prefer to say "Ventura Park is a SUN Community School." This implies that the school is functioning and collaborating as a cohesive unit to serve the mission and vision of a community school.


True or False? SUN Support Staff are paid for a flexible hour of prep time for every one day of instruction.


SUN Support staff are paid for a flexible half-hour of prep time for every one day of instruction.


During a regularly scheduled SUN day, what should the students be doing at 4:00PM?

From 3:45-4:05, the students are at recess. At 4:00, students should begin transitioning from recess to the classroom. Students should be lining up to go inside at 4:00.


Name at least 3 locations where you can find first aid supplies.

**Bonus if you can name all 4 locations**

  • Teacher supply car

  • Teacher utility belts

  • Blue recess wagon

  • “General Supplies” rack on the stage