This moon is not illuminated
New Moon
Name a nocturnal animal and give one adaptation:
Answers vary
This is the darkest part of the shadow (fully shaded):
True or false:
Moonlight does not exist
True. Moonlight is created by the reflection of the suns light, but is not a light producer itself
The Earth spinning (rotating) on its axis causes:
Day & Night
This moon is fully illuminated
Full Moon
Name a diurnal animal and an adaptation:
Answers vary
This is the partially shaded outer region of a shadow:
Describe a lunar eclipse:
Earth gets between the sun and the moon and blocks sunlight - lasts about an hour
The earth rotates on its:
The phases of the moon are caused by:
The reflection of the sun
How do plants and animals behave in the seasons?
Various -
summer - look to stay cool, burrow or swim, more sunlight
winter - some hibernate, fur may turn white to hide, very cold and food is scarce
fall - plants make less food to save energy, animals gain weight & store food, may migraate
spring - leaves & flowers grow, animals come out of hibernation, babies
Give 2 safe ways to observe a solar eclipse:
UV blocking sunglasses
Pinhole "camera"
Why does a lunar eclipse not happen every month?
Occur once or twice a year - needs perfect alignment of sun, Earth & moon
The Earth _______ around the sun and this takes ______ days.
Revolves, 365 (1 year)
Waxing moons (the ones getting larger) are illuminated on what side when we look up in the sky?
right hand side
What is echolocation?
high pitched sounds to use hearing as a way to see
Describe a solar eclipse:
When the moon gets between the sun and the Earth and blocks sunlight - lasts less than 7 minutes
True or false:
Solar eclipses are more common than lunar eclipses
What book did we read about the various moons?
What Indigenous group is it from?
Taan's Moons
Pick on plant or animal and explain how it responds to the moon
Various responses
What is bioluminescence?
creating their own light for communication, self defense, and to hunt
Why does a solar eclipse not happen every month?
Solar eclipses are rare - earth, moon and sun need to be in perfect alignment
True or false:
Animals & Plants can be affected by the phases of the moon?
Explain with an example
It takes how long for the Earth to rotate on its own axis and what does it cause?
It takes 24 hours and creates day & night