Food Trivia 1
Food Trivia 2
Drinks Trivia
Wine Trivia

Which of the following is a staple food of the South Pacific?
A. Rye
B. Breadfruit 

B. Breadfruit
Breadfruit contains considerable amounts of starch and is seldom eaten raw. It may be roasted, baked, boiled, fried, or dried and ground into flour.


What country is renowned for chocolate?
A. Belgium
B. Finland

A. Belgium


What is tequila made from?
A. Agave
B. Aloe

A. Agave
Tequila is a distilled liquor that is made from the fermented juice of the Mexican agave plant. 


Wine was first produced no earlier than 2000 years ago. 

True or False

The earliest evidence of wine (to date) was found in Georgia, and is estimated to be almost 8,000 years old.


What is the bay the Golden Gate Bridge crosses over?

San Francisco Bay


What type of food is ackee, a component of ackee and saltfish, the national dish of Jamaica?
A. Fruit
B. Nut

A. Fruit
Ackee is a tree of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae) native to West Africa, widely cultivated throughout tropical and subtropical regions for its edible fruit


If you were eating jambalaya, you would most likely be in what country?
B. South Africa

Jambalaya, a savory dish popularly associated with the U.S. state of Louisiana.


Rum is made by fermenting which of these plants?
A. Coconut
B. Sugarcane

B. Sugarcane


Wine is especially suited to grow in colder weather, such as in the Arctic region.
True or False

Wine grows best in tropical or semi-tropical weather. Low winter temperatures may kill the vine or its fruitful buds.


What is the island the Statue of Liberty is on?

Liberty island


Which of these countries is not a major producer of oranges?
A. Iceland
B. Brazil

A. Iceland
Brazil is the leading orange-producing country, followed by the United States, Italy, and Spain.


The authentic Italian version of mozzarella is prepared from the milk of which animal?
A. Goat
B. Water Buffalo

B. Water Buffalo
Mozzarella is a mild, smooth-textured cheese made in its authentic Italian version from the milk of the water buffalo.


Which of the following is traditionally made from potatoes?
A. Gin
B. Vodka

B. Vodka
Vodka was traditionally made from potatoes in Poland and Russia, though cereal grains are now used commercially.


The Greek god of wine was Demeter.

 True or False 

The Greek god of wine was actually named Dionysus, but was also commonly known as Bacchus, especially in Roman culture.


Blue domed Church Location-

A. Rome, Italy   OR

B. Santorini, Greece

Santorini, Greece


Alambre, a dish made of chopped meats and vegetables, is popular in which country?
A. Mexico
B. Italy

A. Mexico
Alambre is a Mexican dish of chopped meats and vegetables, and served with corn or flour tortillas.


The soft-ripened cow’s-milk cheese Brie originated from which of these countries?
A. France
B. Germany

A. France
Brie is a soft-ripened cow’s-milk cheese named for the district in northeastern France in which it is made.


Beer is primarily brewed with hops and which main ingredient?
A. Buckwheat
B. Barley

B. Barley


In making white wine, the juice is separated from the skin before fermentation.
 True or False 

When the juice of white grapes is processed or a white wine is desired, the juice is usually separated from the skins immediately after crushing in order to avoid undesirable color extraction.


This famous landmarks of the world known for its vibrant & rich color landscape and stone giants.


What is  Moai – Easter Island, Chile


What food product is made by curdling fresh soy milk?
A. Tofu
B. Cheese

A. Tofu
Tofu is a soft, relatively flavorless food product made from soybeans. It is made from dried soybeans that are soaked in water, crushed, and boiled.


What condiment did Lea & Perrins create?
A. Soy sauce
B. Worcestershire sauce

B. Worcestershire sauce


Rice is the traditional source of which of the following?
A. Sake
B. Gin

A. Sake
Sake is a Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice.


Wines are usually aged in containers made of oak wood.
 True or False 

Wines are aged in wooden containers made of oak, allowing oxygen to enter and water and alcohol to escape. Extracts from the wood contribute to the flavor.


What is the tallest waterfall in the world?
A. Niagara Falls
B. Angel Falls

B. Angel Falls