The first day of creation.
On which day did God create light? (Genesis 1:3-5)
"Ye shall not surely die."
What did the serpent say would happen if Eve ate the fruit? (Genesis 3:4)
Seven pairs.
How many of each clean animal did Noah bring into the ark? (Genesis 7:2)
To reach heaven and make a name for themselves.
Why did the people want to build the tower? (Genesis 11:4)
What was Abraham’s original name? (Genesis 17:5)
Birds and sea creatures.
What did God create on the fifth day? (Genesis 1:20-23)
Their eyes were opened, and they sewed fig leaves together to make aprons.
What did Adam and Eve do after eating the fruit? (Genesis 3:7)
Forty days and forty nights.
How long did the rain last during the flood? (Genesis 7:12)
Brick and slime for mortar.
What material did they use to build the tower? (Genesis 11:3)
A great nation.
What did God promise to make Abraham? (Genesis 12:2)
God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
How did God create man? (Genesis 2:7)
He would have to toil and work hard to eat from the ground, and he would return to dust.
What punishment did God give to Adam? (Genesis 3:17-19)
The rainbow.
What was the sign of God’s covenant with Noah? (Genesis 9:13
He confounded their language so they couldn’t understand each other
How did God stop the building of the tower? (Genesis 11:7)
What was the sign of God’s covenant with Abraham? (Genesis 17:10-11)
Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over it.
What command did God give to Adam and Eve regarding the earth? (Genesis 1:28)
Cherubims and a flaming sword.
What was placed at the east of the Garden of Eden to prevent access to the Tree of Life? (Genesis 3:24)
An altar to the Lord.
What did Noah build as soon as he left the ark? (Genesis 8:20)
Babel, because God confused the language of the people.
What was the tower called, and why? (Genesis 11:9)
As many as the stars in the sky.
How many descendants did God promise Abraham? (Genesis 15:5)
The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
What specific trees did God place in the midst of the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 2:9)
It would crawl on its belly and eat dust all its life
What was the serpent’s punishment? (Genesis 3:14-15)
A garment.
What did Noah’s sons cover him with when he was drunk and naked? (Genesis 9:23)
To fill the earth.
What command of God were the people disobeying by building the tower? (Genesis 9:1)
Ninety-nine years old.
How old was Abraham when God changed his name? (Genesis 17:1-5)