Who is the prophet of the restoration?
Joseph Smith
how many translated pages were lost?
Who was the prophet who broke his bow while hunting in the Book of Mormon?
who lost the 116 pages?
Martin Harris
Who lead the 2000 Stripling Warriors to battle against the Lamanites?
Helaman, Son of Alma
In Section 10, the Lord tells Joseph to not retranslate the lost pages. Why did the Lord want to change the translation plans?
to prevent people from changing or altering the Book of Mormon
Which Book of Mormon prophet appeared unto Joseph Smith on September 21, 1823?
who was D&C 11 addressed to?
Hyrum Smith
Who was the Prophet that lead the Pioneers to the West?
Brigham Young
in D&C 11, The Lord tells Hyrum Smith to seek revelation in the right way. Who should Hyrum Smith listen to when it comes to the teachings of the church?
Joesph Smith