In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth
Genesis 1;1
What was King David son's?
Where are David and Jesse from?
What is the verse 1 Samuel 16;24
And let our master now command your servants who are before you to seek out a man who is a skillful player on the harp
Who was the person who had the evil spirit?
In what place was Jesus born?
In a stable
John 3;16
John 3:16
[16]For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
Who became an armoubearer?
Where did the Lord appeared?
In what book do you find most of King David's songs that he wrote for God?
King David rule here for 40 years?
and keep the charge of the LORD thy God to walk in his ways; to keep his statutes, and his commandment and his judgement
1 King 2;3
What were the names of the first two people on earth?
Adam and Eve
All the way of the earth