Who Am I?
What Am I?
Where Am I?
Of Kings and Leaders
I am the husband of Mary - the mother of Jesus.
Who is Joseph?
This is what the shepherds were looking after when the angel appeared to them.
What are sheep?
This is where the angel appeared to the shepherds watching their sheep.
What/Where is the Countryside/Fields?
The wise men wanted to visit Jesus to do this.
What is To Worship Him?
I am the angel who appeared to Mary, told her not to be afraid and that she was going to give birth to Jesus.
Who is (angel) Gabriel?
This is the sign the wise men followed that led them to Jesus.
What is the Star (of the East)?
This is what Mary laid the baby Jesus in after He was born.
What/Where is a Manger?
The wise men did not return to the evil king for this reason.
What is God told the wise men in a dream not to return to King Herod?
We traveled from afar to bring gifts and treasures to Jesus when he was born.
Who are the 3 Wise Men?
This is the number of children Mary had BEFORE she gave birth to Jesus.
What is 0/zero/none?
This is the city that Mary and Joseph had to travel to for the census - where Jesus was born.
What/Where is Bethlehem?
These are the gifts or treasures that the wise men presented to Jesus in the stable.
What are Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh?
I was the king ruling over where Jesus was born. I was looking for Jesus with a secret plan to kill Him.
Who is King Herod?
This is what the shepherds did after they visited and saw Jesus.
What is told everyone what they heard and returned to their fields praising God ?
This is where Mary and her husband had originally lived in.
What/Where is Nazareth?
This is the type of King they called Jesus. The wise men and even the evil king that wanted to kill Jesus called Jesus this name.
What is King of the Jews?
I was the emperor or ruler of the land who asked Mary and her husband to go back to their home so they could be counted (The emperor who ordered the census).
Who is Caesar Augustus?
This is the job/occupation/work that Mary's husband did.
What is a Carpenter?
This place is where Mary and husband ran away with Jesus to hide when they heard an evil king wanted to kill Jesus.
What/Where is Egypt?
The evil king sent men to kill the young boys ___ years old and younger in the surrounding area.
What is 2 (years old)?