What was the year or occasion President Nelsen read the Restoration Proclamation during General Conference?
2020- Bicentennial Celebration of the Restoration Proclamation
Where did the first vision take place?
What book did Joseph Smith Translate?
What was the first temple built?
Kirtland, Ohio Temple
Doctrine and Covenants
How many brothers and sisters did Joseph Smith have?
What scripture did Joseph read that inspired him to go to the Sacred Grove?
James 1:5
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him
The ancient prophet who visited Joseph as an angel and delivered the gold plates to him
What two instruments did Joseph use to translate the Book of Mormon?
Urim and Thumin
(Seer Stone)
Tithing is ______ of what you earn
What was Joseph Smiths Wife's name?
How old was Joseph when he had the First Vision?
What two jails were Joseph Smith held in?
Carthage and Liberty Jail
What is the name of the hymn that describes the First Vision?
Joseph Smith's First Prayer
Name 3 of the current 12 Apostles
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Elder David A. Bednar
Elder Quentin L. Cook
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Elder Neil L. Andersen
Elder Ronald A. Rasband
Elder Gary E. Stevenson
Elder Dale G. Renlund
Elder Garrett W. Gong
Elder Ulisses Soares
Elder Patrick Kearon
What year was the church officially organized?
Where is the Sacred Grove located?
Palmyra, New York
Joseph Smith received the Aaronic priesthood from whom?
John the Baptist
Who became the prophet after Joseph Smith was killed?
Brigham Young
How many children did Joseph and Emma Smith have in total?
When Joseph was a 7 year old boy he contracted Typhoid. It lead to him having to have a serious surgery on his ________?
(The only solution was to amputate the leg when people were this bad. The smith family had the faith that the surgery would work.
When Joseph went into the grove to pray, what did he say he hadn't ever attempted before?
Praying out loud
Joseph Smith received the Melchizedek Priesthood form whom?
Peter, James, and John
What was the hill called where the golden plates were buried?
Hill Cumorah
Which LDS prophet lived the longest?
Russell M Nelson