1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Why should you let others choose first?
What is It pleases God. God wants us to. It shows others that I care about them and love them. It's the right thing to do. (Answers may vary)
Why did Jacob give Joseph a special coat?
What is Because Jacob gave Joseph a special coat to show how much he loved him.
How many tribes did ancient Israel have?
What is 12 tribes.
How many books are in the Old Testament and how many in the New Testament?
What is 39 and 27.
Who instituted all authorities?
Who is God.
How did Abraham do what God wanted in Genesis 13?
What is He let Lot take the first choice of the land.
Why did Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt?
What is To get grain, There was a famine in the land of Canaan; They were starving, to buy food.
In what language was most of the Old Testament given?
What is Hebrew.
Why Christians gather together to break bread? Jesus said in 1 Corinthians 11:24, "This is my body which is for you; do this in _______ of me."
What is Remembrance
What can we do to Jesus's commands to show our love to him?
What is Walk in obedience.
Why is it important for us to be kind to others?
What is God cares about how we treat other people. God wants us to be kind. (Answers may vary)
How many older brothers did Joseph have?
What is 10?
In what language was most of the New Testament given?
What is Greek.
God sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to die for us so that we could have ________ life. John 3:16
What is eternal.
Who are some of the people in authority at church? Name at least 3 types of church leaders.
What is pastors, elders, deacons, teachers.
How was Rebekah kind in Genesis 24? How did God reward her?
What is She drew water for Abraham's servant and his 10 camels. Her kindness led to her becoming Isaac's wife who is a part of God's chosen people.
A friend is hurt and needs your help. But you have been waiting a long time for a swing. What can you do to honor God?
What is be kind like Rebekah.
What was another name for Jacob?
What is Israel.
While Paul and Silas were in prison, they were _______and _________ hymns to God.
What is Praying and Singing
Why does the bible say we should obey?
What is Love, avoid possible punishments, conscience.
How was Isaac a peacemaker in Genesis 26?
What is He decided to move to another place instead of fight with the Philistines.
What’s the difference between being kind and unkind?
What is Kind: You think of other people first. You go out of your way to make others happy. You show love to others. Unkind: You think of yourself first. You don't show love to others.
Which book in the Bible did Jesus directly write?
What is None.
God always take cares of those who do what is right and gives them the __________ to do what they need to do.
What is Strength
How can we be free from the fear for our leaders?
What is Do what is right.