What have we learned?
Biblical Genres
da Bible facts
Key Terms
Difficult Questions

For Everyone: Name something you enjoyed learning about



the definition of Narrative Genre

What is: books of the Bible or sections of books which simply tell the story of what happened (ex. Exodus, Ruth, Acts)?


The Bible is divided into two parts: the _____________ and the _________________

What is Old Testament and New Testament?

The definition of Scripture

what is the writings of the Bible?


Is water wet?



the name of the series we have been doing

How God works through _____________


Name an example of a book of the Bible from the Poetry genre

What is Psalms?


The New Testament is thought to be written in this range

50 AD - 100 AD


The definition of canon

what is the set of texts that are part of the Bible?


Is a hotdog a sandwich?



Name any of the topics we've focused on as it pertains to how God works through the Bible

what is canon, genre, difficult passages, inductive bible study, etc.?


The unique characteristic about the authors of the Gospels

They all lived with Jesus and wrote a first-hand account of his life and teachings


The number of books in the Bible

66 books


The definition of Biblical Theology

What is: what we believe about the Bible? 


The difference between descriptive and prescriptive

What is:

Descriptive: the Bible is merely describing what’s happening

Prescriptive: this means that the Bible is telling us how to live


Name any of the emotions we covered

what is sadness (and death), joy, anger?


The definition of Epistle

The letters of the New Testament were communications to specific individuals or groups for specific and varied purposes. (1 Cor, Romans, 1 John)


About how many authors are there who contributed to writing the Bible?

What is: 1 author (God) and about 44ish authors?


The definition of Hermaneutics

What is: how we interpret the Bible?


Respond to this statement from a Christian worldview. The Bible is anti-LGBTQ and Christians are hypocrites.

False that the Bible hates, true that Christians don’t live perfectly according to the Bible. Jesus' heart is for the people who are hurting and on the edge of society. He does not join in the Pharisees in condemning, but rather calls us to go and sin no more. 


Up to four points/people: Name any of the points of Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Bonus: say why it's helpful

Scripture, Reason, Tradition, Experience


The difference between the prophecy genre and the apocalyptic genre

What is: apocalypse is a prophetic word but specifically about the end times

prophecy - God’s word to his covenant people, warning them and bolstering them during periods of pronounced spiritual and national danger (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel)

Apocalypse - proclaim urgent messages to their original audiences, in particular, warning and comfort (Revelation, part of Daniel)?

Up to 4 points/people: We can know the Bible is true and accurate based on the acronym MAPS. Name what each letter stands for

Manuscripts, Archeology, Prophecy, Statistics

The definition of testament

what is: a covenant or formal agreement with obligations on each side?


Respond to this statement with a Christian perspective: the Bible is anti-science

🧑‍🔬 The bible is not anti-science. God made science. The Bible doesn't necessarily support every aspect of science because you cannot prove God exists via the scientific method