Come, Follow Me
Church History
Gospel of JC

What book of scripture is being studied in Come, Follow Me this year?



Describe the logo of the church.

Christus Statue: a depiction of Jesus Christ with His arms outstretched, inviting all to come unto Him.

Arch Design: signifies a place of reverence and sanctuary, highlighting the sacred and enduring nature of the Church's message.

Church Name


What is the first principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ that involves trusting in Jesus and His Atonement?



Who has been your favorite prophet from the Book of Mormon that we’ve discussed so far this year?

  1. Lehi (1 Nephi - 2 Nephi): A prophet who leads his family from Jerusalem to the Americas.
  2. Nephi (1 Nephi - 2 Nephi): The son of Lehi, who becomes a prophet and leader of the Nephites.
  3. Jacob (Jacob): Nephi’s younger brother, who becomes a prophet and leader of the Nephites.
  4. Mosiah (Mosiah): The son of Benjamin, he becomes a prophet and king among the Nephites.
  5. Benjamin (Mosiah): The father of Mosiah, known for his powerful sermon and his role as a prophet and king.
  6. Alma the Elder (Mosiah - Alma): The founder of the Church of Christ among the Nephites and a prophet who leads the people in righteousness.
  7. Alma the Younger (Alma - Alma 31): The son of Alma the Elder, who becomes a prophet after his conversion and leads the Nephite people in faith and righteousness.

Who is the first prophet introduced in the Book of Mormon?

Prophet Lehi


What was this week's Come, Follow Me lesson? (Scriptures or Topic)

July 15-21: “The Virtue of the Word of God”

Alma 30–31


In which year was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially organized?



Which sacred ordinance symbolizes the acceptance of Jesus Christ?


Sacrament prayer of bread:
"...that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son[aka baptism], and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen."


What king was prophesying in Mosiah 4-6?

King Benjamin


What were the names of your previous teachers?

Brother and Sister Humphrey


Which prophet in the Book of Mormon was once evil and tried to destroy the church?

Alma the Younger


What is the name of the Church's prophet who led the pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley?

Brigham Young


What is the term used to describe the change of heart and mind that leads a person to turn away from sin and towards God?



What is the middle name of our current prophet?



Who should you speak with in your local church leadership if you have committed a serious sin and want to fully repent?

Bishop Larsen


What was the first book of scripture studied the first year "Come, Follow Me" was implemented?

(e.g. Doctrine and Covenants or Old Testament)

The New Testament in 2019


What significant event in LDS history occurred at Carthage Jail?

The martyrdom of Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith


Which prophet was worried about his 2 rebellious sons and their eternal damnation?

Patriarch Lehi

2 Nephi 1:19-21, let's read it


Why do you follow the prophet today?


What is my name?

Bonus 200 for correct last name.

Bonus 200 for the name of my co-teacher/partner.

Brother Kevin Arguelles

Brother Jacob Chlarson


What is one principle that is discussed in this week's Come, Follow Me?

  • Korihor's Teachings and Downfall (Alma 30):

    • Korihor, an anti-Christ, preaches against God and Christ.
    • He claims religion is used to oppress and control people.
    • Korihor is struck dumb by God and confesses he was deceived by the devil.
  • Mission to the Zoramites (Alma 31):

    • Alma leads a mission to bring the Zoramites back to the gospel.
    • The Zoramites worship on a high tower called the Rameumptom, with prideful prayers.
  • Alma’s Prayer (Alma 31):

    • Alma prays for strength, patience, and success in their mission.
    • He seeks wisdom in dealing with the prideful Zoramites.
  • Contrast of True Worship (Alma 31):

    • The chapter contrasts the Zoramites' prideful prayers with Alma’s humble prayer.
    • Emphasizes the importance of sincerity and humility in worship.

Which LDS Church historical site is known as the birthplace of the Restoration?

The Sacred Grove in Palmyra, New York


What is the purpose of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and how does it relate to personal salvation?

The Atonement of Jesus Christ provides the means for everyone to overcome sin and be reconciled to God through repentance and faith.


Which Book of Mormon prophet, known for his extensive writings and prophecies concerning the future of his people, also had a vision that included the coming of Christ and the establishment of His church among the Nephites?



Share your testimony about something you've learned in this year's Come, Follow Me