who were the first Humans God created? What were their names?
Adam and Eve
Who built an ark to survive a great flood?
Luke 6:31
"Do to others as you would have them do to you."
Who created the World?
Who is the son of God?
Who split The Red Sea?
What did David use to defeat Goliath?
A slingshot and a stone.
do you know what John 3:16 is?
John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life".
what did god create on the 6th day?
Humans and animals
Who was the mother of Jesus?
Who was swallowed by the big fish?
What miracle did Jesus perform to help a blind man see again?
He healed the blind man
what is the first bible verse in the bible?
what did God create on the first day?
light and darkness
How many disciples did Jesus have?
where did Adam and Eve live?
The Garden of Eden
Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot.
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
"Jesus wept." (John 11:35)
Why did God create the world?
God created the world to manifest His glory, love, and goodness, essentially providing a space for beings to know, love, and praise Him, with the ultimate purpose being to have a relationship with humanity created in His image.
What miracle did Jesus perform at a wedding in Cana?
He turned water into wine.
What was the name of the guy who could interpret dreams with a rainbow coat? (Hint, he had a rainbow coat)
How many days and nights did it rain during the flood?
40 days and 40 nights
What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment?
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind." (Matthew 22:37)
what did God create on the 5th day?
sea creatures and birds
What was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary to tell her she would have a baby?
Angel Gabriel