When the land couldn’t sustain all of Lot’s and Abram’s flocks, and Abram let Lot choose where to settle, where did Lot choose to pitch his tent?
Towards Sodom (Genesis 13:12)
What was the name God gave Sarai?
What kind of man was Job?
Job 1:1. Blameless, upright, feared God, shunned evil.
What command from God did Noah’s descendants refuse to obey?
Genesis 9:1. He commanded them to fill the earth.
How did God make a covenant with Abram?
Genesis 15:17. He passed between two rows of cut up animals
How did Abram’s decision to let Lot choose where to settle show Abram’s faith in God?
He trusted God to fulfill his promise.
Whose name means “father of many”?
What did Satan think Job would do if God removed His protection from him?
Job 1:11. Curse God.
Name two things that were found in some of the ancient caves where cavemen lived that assure us that the people were fully human?
Tools, fire, spears, a musical instrument, rock tombs.
Why is it important that only God, and not Abram, passed through the cut up animals to make a covenant?
God was showing that He alone would fulfill His promise.
Who did we get our sin nature from?
The first man, Adam.
Who is the special descendant from Abraham and Isaac—the Seed—who would bless all nations?
Jesus Christ. (Galatians 3:16)
What did Job do after all the bad things happened?
Job 1:20. He fell down and worshipped God.
How many races of people are there?
How old was Abraham when he finally had a son who fulfilled God’s promise?
What happened to Lot and the other people in Sodom when their king lost the battle?
They were captured. (Genesis 14:12)
What was the name of Abram and Hagar’s son?
Who understood that God gives blessings and can take them away?
Job. (Job 1:21)
We are all one human race because we are all descendants of which man?
What name did God choose for the child Abraham and Sarah would have, and what does his name mean?
Genesis 17:19. Isaac, laughter.
What was the name of the priest-king that Abram gave a tithe to?
Melchizedek. (Genesis 14:18)
What was the name of the woman who would be Isaac’s wife?
Who asked rhetorical questions to show Job His power over creation?
s What is the brown pigment that determines whether we have light brown or medium brown or dark brown skin?
What is the only way we can receive the eternal rewards God promises?
Through faith in Jesus Christ.