In which city were both Jugal and Sunita born?
Kabul, Afghanistan
What was Vinod and Radhey’s first job?
Gas Station Clerk
This famous basketball player briefly retired from the sport the year Jugal and Sunita got married to play baseball. Name the player.
Michael Jordan
It’s a free weekend. Where are you most likely to find that Sunita has taken Jugal?
The temple
Jugal and Sunita moved to their dream home in Glenview. What year was the move?
What was the destination of Jugal and Sunita’s most recent trip? Hint: It hosts a status of famous Bollywood director, Yash Chopra.
Where did both Vinod and Radhey go to grade school in Chicago?
Sacred Heart Schools
In the year Jugal and Sunita got married, who was President of the United States of America?
Bill Clinton
What is Jugal and Sunita’s favorite pizza restaurant for carry-out?
Three years after coming to the United States, Jugal and Sunita purchased their first cell phones. This brand went on to make one of the most popular flip phones of the 2000s, famous for its thin design. What brand is this?
Jugal and Sunita went on their first cruise in 2017. Where did the ship sail to?
The Bahamas
In what years were Vinod and Radhey born?
Vinod: 1994
Radhey: 1996
In the year Jugal and Sunita got married, a famous movie featuring dinosaurs experienced massive success at the box office. Which movie was this?
Jurassic Park
Jugal and Sunita enjoy shopping - especially when they can get a good deal! They frequent stores that somehow end up going bankrupt…which favorite store is currently undergoing this unfortunate process?
Bed, Bath and Beyond
Three years after moving to the United States, Jugal and Sunita purchased their first home together. In which city was this home located?
Which city in India did Jugal and Sunita go to for their honeymoon?
Mumbai (Bombay)
Jugal and Sunita frequently took young Vinod and Radhey to this popular mouse-themed children’s entertainment center. What is it called?
In the year Jugal and Sunita got married, how much did a gallon of gas cost on average in the USA?
Jugal and Sunita enjoy preparing this popular dish from their home country together. What is this dish?
Since coming to the United States, Jugal and Sunita have owned 5 different cars. What was the make of their first car?
Jugal and Sunita traveled to Dubai in 2019, and went to the top of the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa. How tall is the building (in feet)?
2,722 feet
For their first family vacation, Jugal and Sunita drove the family to Sheboygan, WI, expecting it was this popular vacation destination instead. Name this place.
Wisconsin Dells
The year that Jugal and Sunita got married was also the year that young Radhey’s favorite television action series premiered, featuring teenagers fighting crime in spandex suits. Name that show.
Power Rangers
Jugal and Sunita enjoy listening to old Bollywood music together. One of their favorite artists is Lata Mangeshkar, who was one of India’s oldest playback singers. How old was she when she passed away in 2022?
92 years old
100 inches