What is the plasma in the sun comprised of?
what are Hydrogen and Helium ions
What is the boundary between the convective layer and the radiative layer?
Whatt is the Tachocline?
A continuous stream of charged particles
what is Solar wind
What is the solar constant?
What is Solar radiation per unit area received by Earth
This process occurs in the core of the sun
what is nuclear fusion?
Small solar storms in the Chromosphere
What are spicules?
The only visible part of the sun in the day
What is the Photosphere?
How is heat transferred in the radiative zone? Why?
what is (em) radiation? it is too dense for convection cells to form. Temperature gradient isnt high enough
The region where coronal mass ejection occurs
What is the corona?
Scientists use sunspots to determine?
What is the sun's rotation?
Why can you not see the Chromosphere and Corona?
What is the light emitted by the photosphere drowns out the light emitted by the chromosphere?
The Chromosphere and Corona is much less dense than the Photosphere.
What causes the magnetic field of the sun to be distorted?
What is differential rotation?
The type of star the sun is
Main sequence star
The reason for why the Chromosphere is red
It emits from the hydrogen emission spectra
The difference between solar prominences and solar flares
What is solar prominence last several weeks, while solar flares last minutes or hours