What pet did Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter Alice carry around as if it were a bracelet?
A Snake
In what country did the rose originate
What was the name of the African-American woman who broke the law by not wanting to sit at the back of a bus?
Rosa Parks
Which type of bread did Native Americans teach settlers how to make?
The Amazon is the longest river in the world.
Answer: False – the Nile River in Africa is generally recognized as the longest river in the world.
What did Thomas Jefferson invent to make work more comfortable?
the swivel chair
What country is the bonsai tree from
What was the name of the pilot who disappeared mysteriously over the Pacific Ocean?
Amelia Earhart
This act allowed settlers to buy 160 acres for a small fee if they occupied and improved it for 5 years.
Homestead Act of 1862
Cows have best friends
Answer: True – Studies have shown that cows become stressed when they’re separated from their preferred companions, suggesting that these animals can have “best friends” within their groups
What animal, meant for dinner, did Calvin Coolidge pardon and keep as a pet?
How many different types of carnivorous plants are known to exist
Which leader of the African-American civil rights movement delivered the "I Have a Dream'' speech?
Martin Luther King
Thousands of Americans had already settled on the West Coast, where they had gone in search of__________ and good farmland in California.
Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump.
Answer: False – there are other animals that can’t jump, like sloths
What sport did Abraham Lincoln excel at as a young man?
What is the only mammal capable of flight
Who was the British Prime Minister often pictured with a cigar?
Winston Churchill
“_____________” referred to the practice of plainsmen listening to the ground to hear hoofbeats. It became the westerner’s warning to stay alert.
"Keep your ear to the ground"
Flamingos are born pink.
Answer: False – they are born with grey feathers, which turn pink due to their diet of shrimp and algae
How many presidents were born before the United States of America was a country?
What sea creature can change its gender
In the 1960s and 1970, which British band was famous for their songs ''Hey Jude," "Let It Be," and "Eleanor Rigby''?
The Beatles
The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from this country for $15 million in 1803
Turtles can come out of their shells
Answer: False – a turtle’s shell is a part of its skeleton and they cannot leave it