Alcohol, Cannabis, & Weapons
Health and Safety
Keep 'Em Guesting
A Little Bit of Everything

Abuse of alcohol and other drugs can create life-threatening situations that require an immediate response from emergency services personnel. What policy does SUNY Old Westbury educate our Residents about to assist with helping in times of a substance-related emergency?

Good Samaritan Policy


In the event that a Resident needs to go, or has gone, to the hospital, who needs to be notified?

UPD and the RHD on-Call should be notified.


T or F: Residents can have surge protectors in their assigned residence hall rooms. 

True. Residents can have UL-approved surge protectors with a clearly visible UL-approved label. The surge protector must have an on/off switch. 


How many nights can Guests spend per month?

Guests can be signed in for no more than 4 nights in any 30-day period.


T or F: The Office of Residential Life approves/denies the Emotional Support Animal (ESA) requests from residents.

False: The Office of Service for Students with Disabilities (OSSD) guides residents through the process of requesting and getting approval for ESAs.


A Resident can have empty alcohol containers in their room if used strictly for decorations.

No. Empty alcohol bottles are prohibited.


To ensure their room is safe and secure, Residents should do this every time they leave their room

Lock the door.


What smoking/vaping products can be used inside the residence halls?

None. Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all residence halls regardless of age. 


True or False: Parents are not considered Guests and, therefore, do not have to sign in when visiting their students.

False: Any unaffiliated Guest (non-Resident) does have to sign in in order to visit a Resident in their residence hall.


What is the maximum percentage of a Resident's door that can be covered by door dec, dry-erase boards, and other paper?

50% covered is the maximum allowed by the NYS Fire Code.


T or F: Possession of any rifle, shotgun, or firearm in or upon any building or grounds of SUNY Old Westbury without written authorization from President Sams is a crime under New York state law. 

True. Any person doing so without authorization is subject to arrest and incarceration in addition to any penalty that may be assessed through SUNY Old Westbury's Student Conduct System.


T or F: A Residents can be charged for cleaning an excessively dirty room.

TRUE. If you are habitually untidy, you will be given a Letter of Concern from your Housing Coordinator. If the problem persists you will be subject to disciplinary action and/or be refused reassignment to the residence hall. Housing & Residence Life may also have the room cleaned and charge you


What training is required by NYS and the NYS Fire Marshall for all First-Year students and Transfer students at SUNY Old Westbury?

All Residents are required to participate in Fire Safety Training. First-Year Residents and Transfer Residents are required to do this as part of the Week of Welcome activities.


Where does a Guest NOT have to be escorted in the residence halls?

Guests must be escorted at all times and locations including public areas, common areas, and individual rooms. Guests cannot be left alone at any time while in the residence halls. 


What items are allowed to exit or enter the residence hall through windows?

None. Nothing should be thrown out of or brought through the windows.


True or False: Pocket knives are allowed in the residence halls if not used as a weapon.

False. Possessing or using any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, cause injury, or incapacitate, including, but not limited to, all firearms, switchblade knives, knives, explosives, fireworks, or dangerous chemicals (except as authorized for use in class, or in connection with SUNY Old Westbury-sponsored research or other approved activities). The term firearms includes, but is not limited to, pellet guns, air guns, rifles, shotguns, handguns, multiple-firing weapons, and any weapon capable of firing a shot.


T or F: Residents living in one of SUNY Old Westbury's residence halls are required to have renters insurance.

False. SUNY Old Westbury is not responsible for damage and/or loss of residents' possessions. We recommend that they have renters or homeowners insurance to cover any loss or damage.


Who should be called if the fire alarm is activated in your residence hall? (2 people)

UPD & RHD On-Call


You are a First-Year resident and you have a Guest coming over Wednesday evening to help you study. Your Guest is still in high school and not 18 yet. What time do they need to be checked out of the residence hall?

11:00pm. Underage Guests must be preapproved, and must be checked out by 11:00pm the day they intend to visit. Underage Guests are not permitted to stay the night with their Host.


2 part question

What are the Quiet Hours in the Woodlands?

What are the Quiet Hours in the AV?

They are the same unless otherwise stated for exam periods (24-hour Quiet Hours)

Woodlands 8:00am - 10:00pm

AV 8:00am -10:00pm


Regarding cannabis use, where are Residents allowed to smoke/vape cannabis at SUNY Old Westbury?

Nowhere. NYS might have recreational use laws, but SUNY Old Westbury is a federally funded institution and is unable to permit the consumption of cannabis or cannabis products on campus.


What immunizations or vaccinations are required to live in one of the residence halls at SUNY Old Westbury? (2 needed)

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

Meningitis or Meningitis Declination Letter


Can you name at least four (4) items that are considered potential fire hazards and not allowed in the residence halls?

Candles/incense, Live Christmas Trees, Coffee Pots, Microwaves (unless Microfridge) Toaster, Hotpot, All other cooking devices, Air Conditioners, Halogen Lamps, Extension Cords, hoverboards, and multiple holiday lights plugged in together.


What is the process for a resident requesting an Overnight Guest? (5 steps)

1. Host completes Overnight Guest Request Form

2. Host informs roommate(s)/suitemate(s) about Overnight Guest and has them sign off on the form. 

3. Host submits the Overnight Guest Request Form at least two (2) business days in advance of the intended overnight visit to RHD. 

4. Form reviewed by building/area RHD and either approved/denied.

5. If approved, the Host picks up the Overnight Guest pass from the building/area RA Office and signs the Guest in. 


What's the room capacity limit for a residence hall room?

For health and safety reasons, Residents are asked to only have a maximum of two (2) Guests beside themselves in their room at any one time. All ORL staff, including RAs, have the ability to monitor the number of Guests and room capacity as needed.