Help me Obi Wan you're my only hope
Gimme a "T"
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
It's Friday ...almost...
Yoda that s*%$
you call this person if you feel threatened by relapse
Who is your sponsor
The initial phase of treatment
What is detox
This return to using has multiple stages
What is relapse
She has the same name as an 1980's one hit wonder artist who thought they were alone now
Who is Tiffany
an important daily task and if I am your therapist you need to be doing it daily
What is journaling
If Bob is a sponsor to you, then you are this to Bob
What is sponsee
something we are all initially in when beginning treatment
What is denial
The act of taking a substance after a period of recovery
What is physical relapse
I swear I mean nothing by it! The only well known pop culture reference I could think of as a clue for this fellow IOP attendee, its about a witch.
Who is Blair
You will find this in the lower right hand corner of the board daily
What is a quote
This recovery slogan is a good thing to keep in mind when choosing a sponsor.
What is stick with the winners
this is done when an individual has successfully completed a treatment program
What is a coin out
when and individual in recovery begins to experience feelings of anxiety, anger, isolation, mood swings, and changes in eating and sleeping habits, this is happening.
What is emotional relapse
This person is getting recognition today
Who is Jeremy
This symbol is found text to my name on the name plate in my office
What is batman
Many will suggest you to this with your sponsor daily.
What is t Communicate talk/call/ text
During treatment this person hold up a mirror to your actions and words and challenges you by offering a different perspective
What is a therapist
During this phase the mind gets to work on rationalizing the reasons and thought processes that make it okay.
What is mental relapse
And that's how they became the Brady Bunch, this person shares the name with one of the characters.
Who is Carol
This action figure is located under the expensive pieces of paper framed on my wall
Who is Kylo Ren
This is the number of sponsorship qualities there are
What is 12
Strongly recommended following residential treatment to allow for a smooth transition and decrease likelihood of relapse
What is sober living
Your sponsor, therapist, or friend in recovery may suggest you get this following a relapse
What is white key tag
the name that is also the proclamation Pat Benetar made in her hit Love is a battle field
Who is Young
The name of the puzzle that sits on my desk, everyone uses it and few complete it without getting frustrated.
What is think outside the box