Eid al-Adha is celebrated in this Islamic month
Dhul Hijjah
This was the age of the Prophet (SAW) when the Qur'an was revealed to him
40 years old
This prophet will come back to defeat the Dajjal on the Day of Judgement
Prophet Isa (AS)
The annual November MSA event after school in the South Lobby
This shura member has been on the shura the longest
Sana (3 years!!)
Name the 4 khalifahs
Abu Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA), Ali (RA)
These two people passed away during the Year of Sorrow
Khadijah (RA) and Abu Talib
This prophet was able to interpret dreams
Prophet Yusuf (AS)
The two homecoming alternative events we had this year
The Girl's Tea Party and the Guy's Sports Day
Height of our tallest shura member (within 2 inches)
6'2" (Aymal)
Name the 6 Pillars of Iman
Belief in Allah (SWT), angels, books, messengers, Day of Judgement, qadr (divine decree)
The destination of the first hijrah of Islam
Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia)
One of this prophet's miracles was splitting the moon
Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Our History Making Muslim (Fazlur Rahman Khan) was famous for building this famous landmark
The Willis Tower or the John Hancock building
Hibban went to this school before coming to West
This is the creature that the Prophet (SAW) took during Isra and Mi'raj
How many kids did the Prophet (SAW) have + what are their names?
Name 3 miracles of Prophet Isa (AS)
Miraculous birth, talking as a baby, breathing life into clay bird, curing blind and leper
This was the topic of our first semester halaqa
Justice in Islam
Name all of our MSA sponsors
Mr. Kosiba, Mrs. Fatima, Mr. Mikels, Ms. Kokoris, Mrs. Hasan, Sr. Amina, Ms. Qureshi
Name the 4 stories in Surah al-Kahf
Sleepers in the cave, 2 men and gardens, Musa (AS) and Khidr (RA), Dhul-Qarnayn
This sahabi was the first muezzin of Islam
Bilal (RA)
This prophet convinced the Prophet (SAW) to ask for salah to be shortened to 5 prayers a day
Prophet Musa (AS)
This was the prize for the scavenger hunt winners
Zaviar and Hibban