How did Sam beat Dr. Meanzo to the top floor?
He took the Elevator
Who Gets A hole in one?
Who does Shawn find out of the elementals?
What Job does Sunny have?
Sheis a fashion designer
Who finds Aqualina?
What did Super Dave get Grandma last Valentine's Day that Grace didn't want a repeat of?
A lottery ticket
How does Super Dave know Dr.Meanzo Cheated in poker?
He has a card under his leg.
Who does Woofie find out of the elementals?
What did her boss steal from her?
Her designs
Who does Super Dave get paired up with to look for Elementals?
Dr. Meanzo
When Dr. Meanzos Wife showed up who did he call to ask where to take her?
How does Elaine find the boys?
Dave dropped his list of places and activities for boy's night. Grace also slipped a tracker in Woofie's pocket and they were on TV.
What instrument does Melody have?
A guitar
Who does Sunny lose at the end of the episode?
Her Bestfriend
What does Rocky get a flashback of?
Memories of her Boyfriend
What was the first thing Sam and Dr. Meanzo stole?
Mel's Bracelet
What cause did Super Dave choose to support on the game show?
Animal Shelters
What instrument does Harmony have?
Her voice
Who does Sunny mistake for the villain?
Super Dave
What does Aqualina make for Leanne?
A dress
How did Luna conceal Electra's powers?
Rubber on her hands.
What game show does Dr. Meanzo accidentally sign up the boys for?
Who plays Harmony and Melody?
Patricia and Lacey
What was Sunny's best friend's favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookie Dough
Why does Winter have to go back to the camper?
It's too hot outside for her