Whenever A is true B is always true. If A is false, what do we know about B?
True or False (explain your answer) There is a hole in your heart that you couldn't live without
True. Blood vessels and such
Roll a D20
1-10 Success
11-20 Failure
What country could be used as a response to the question: How are you feeling, and what kind of car do you drive?
Name a big number
Any number larger than 1 trillion
A father gives his first some a quarter and he gives hi second son a nickel. What time is it?
A quarter to five
What is the laziest organ in the human body?
This mythological creature is often depicted with scales, a lizard like appearance, and in some cases having multiple heads
More than 75% of the earth's surface is covered in this
How many holes are in the word polo?
How much was $1.00 worth in 1976
What is your favorite Pokémon?
Jacob decides if it is cool or not
What animal can hold its breathe the longest underwater
Within 10 decimal points, how many solar luminosities is the sun?