Celebrity Addicts
Addiction and Recovery Music
Street Names
This country singer has gone public about his involvement in AA and long term recovery.
Who is Keith Urban?
Which artist has albums named "Relapse" and "Recovery"?
Who is Eminem?
Pot, reefer, Mary Jane, weed, grass, etc.
What is marijuana?
An orchestrated attempt by one or many people – usually family and friends – to get someone to seek professional help with an addiction or some kind of traumatic event or crisis, or other serious problem.
What is an intervention?
A behavioral syndrome characterized by the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite adverse social, psychological, and/or physical consequences, and a need for an increased amount of the substance, as time goes on, to achieve the same effect.
What is addiction?

She was a very troubled child actor who was notorious for her party girl ways. She eventually cleaned up her act and starred in movie such as "The Wedding Singer" and "Charlie's Angels."

Who is Drew Barrymore

This female musician was asked to go to rehab and she declined. Thereafter, she died of a drug overdose.
Who is Amy Winehouse?
Ice, speed
What is methamphetamine?
A form of treatment wear the patient lives in a recovery facility
What is Inpatient treatment
A common reaction of people with substance use disorders who, when confronted with the existence of those disorders, deny that they have a substance abuse problem and/or have lost control of it.
What is denial?
This famous diva uttered the now famous phrase, "Crack is Wack".
Who is Whitney Houston?
This band is popular for their songs about addiction including "Hate Me".
Who is Blue October?
Candy, crack, powder
What is cocaine?
A point in the treatment process where the user rids themselves of the drugs left in their body
What is detox?
The metabolic process by which the toxic qualities of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body. Pertaining to addiction it is generally a medically supervised treatment for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances.
What is detox?
This "WINNING" actor is infamous for his public meltdowns and TV show firing.
Who Is Charlie Sheen?
This male musician died of an overdose and was married to another punk singer.
Who is Kurt Cobain?
Fairy dust
What is heroin?
A group of people in which the user may meet with frequently in a therapeutic session that share similar issues that help each other through the recovery process
What is a support group?
A person, place, thing or event that can result in psychological and then physical relapse.
What is a trigger?
This successful actor's early life was marked by drug addiction and eleven years in and out of prison in California. He credits his turnaround to boxing and attending 12-step meetings while incarcerated in San Quentin
Who is Danny Trejo?
The lead singer of this band wrote a book named "Scar Tissue" which highlighted his use of drugs and alcohol and subsequent recovery.
Who are Red Hot Chili Peppers?
What are prescription drugs?
A slip from recovery where the patient returns back to their old habit/ addictive behavior
What is a relapse?
Normal neurobiological event characterized by the need to increase the dose over time to obtain the original effect. A state in which a drug produces a diminishing biological or behavioral response; in other words, higher doses are needed to produce the same effect experienced initially.
What is tolerance?