Weird Foods from the 70s
Rebels and Revolutionaries
Random Questions!(Don't Pick these)

This popular dessert contains Pistachio Pudding, Walnuts, Marshmallows, Pineapple Juice, and Whipped Cream all mixed together, and is named after a certain incident from a very certain…Crook. What is the name of this Dessert?

Watergate Salad


The TV would become one of the most influential items from the 50s to today. They would be the best thing since?

Sliced Bread


“And I think, too, that I could say that in my years of public life, that I welcome this kind of examination, because people have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I am not a crook. I have earned everything I have got.”- Who says this phrase?

Richard Nixon


This word comes from the French or Spanish word for war, guerre/guerra, and was first used in the Napoleonic Wars for asymmetrical or irregular warfare. This word is also remembered for the Vietnam War and the type of fighting they used.



Assume the following quantities: Velocity, Acceleration, Time, and Displacement. What would use these quantities for?



A lot of products during this time period had one thing in common. Whether it’s that thing just by itself in many different flavors like strawberry or apricot, or even in a salad form that contains vegetables, this food represented the 70s as a whole.



The disco era arrived in the 70s, with keyboards, drums, sugary lyrics, the works, but alongside these, came the break up of this famous band who was famous for traditional pop and other songs, especially one about Jude

The Beatles


What is the name of the war most associated with this song?

Vietnam War


In the 1970s, promiscuity, homosexuality, contraception, abortion, and…rated R content…was all part of what revolution?

The Sexual Revolution


What is the name of the small book that Mrs.Jones has given us at the beginning of the year and has constantly reminded us to use before every test?



1971 also brought a newcomer to the dried foods scene, as this company launched boxes that contain dried pasta and seasoning, and for a while, Americans could not get enough

Hamburger Helpers


This drug was intended to sell as a cough suppressant in the US from the 1800s but congress realized it didn’t stop coughs, but rather turn them into…Junkies.



What was the name of the first permanent English settlement?



The Chinese Civil War in 1949 was won by this leader, who then initiated revolutionary political and social changes during the Great Leap Forward of 1958

Mao Zadong


What is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything? (Extra points for naming where the answer came from)

42(The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)


Imagine if peanut butter and nutella combined together to make one spread. Then imagine other flavors that combined with peanut butter but with cinnamon, banana, and vanilla. Which company is responsible for these delicious crafts back in 1971



The largest wedding was a mass wedding in New York that wed 2,075 couples all at once! It was all done by these groups of priests who were part of the Unification Church, and had promoted arranged marriages where couples were wed in mass events.



The Feminine Mystique is a book that describes the false idea that women could only find happiness domestically and motherhood. The author had interviewed multiple women who had described their conditions in the home as bored and unfulfilled by their life choices. Who is the Author of the book?

Betty Friedan


The Digital Revolution was argued over when it started. Most historians believe that it started when this company came into existence in 1976.

Apple Inc.


What was the first ever topic that we learned here?

The New South-The Gilded Age


Apparently, rolling soft cheese, and covered in different herbs into this shape was a popular trend in the 70s.

Cheese Balls


Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukup is the name of the longest place name in the world, located in New Zealand, but its short version of it is known as?



Hopefully you still remember taking your APUSH exam...especially the 1st SAQ question about this topic, the one that absolutely everyone dreaded

Women's Rights Movement


When Napoleon was still trying to gain prestige, he found that France was in a dire revolution, led by this man who was sending millions and millions of people into the guillotine until he himself was also sent to the guillotine.

Maximilien Robespierre


Hope you remember your unit circle! Solve for Sin 210! No Calculator!
