The Green Man lives in the Green House, the Blue Man lives in the Blue House, the Yellow Man lives in the Yellow House, the Red Man lives in the Red House, but who lives in the White House?
Mr. Uncle Joe Biden.
Who is the girl wizard and Ron's side piece in the Harry Potter books?
Hermione Granger.
You don't want to make this superhero angry.
The Incredible Hulk.
Finish this sentence: "One small step for man, one giant leap for ______."
Nill Bye.
What is Kellans favorite color?
Hint: Its yellow.
Orange, my dudes.
I have two coins that equal 30 cents. One of them is not a nickel. What coins do I have?
A quarter and a nickel.
Who is the famous pirate known for his luck and ability to escape almost impossible scenarios? His best friends are William Turner and Elizabeth Swan.
Bonus Point: Who is the villain in the 2nd and 3rd movie? He has tentacles.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones.
What is Iron Mans real name?
Tony Stank: Billionaire, Playboy, Genius, and Philanthropist.
Who is the Professor that hates Harry Potter?
Hint: He wears all black and has long black hair.
Professor Severus Snape.
Jack once ate this on a middle school playground.
A piece of white dog poo.
A plane carrying 201 people crashes over the border of Mexico and the United States. 101 people die. Where do they bury the 100 survivors?
You don't bury survivors you sickos.
Who is the legendary person that pulled the sword out of the stone and leads the Knights of the Roundtable in Camelot?
King Arthur.
This "G" shaped letter comes between "F" and "H."
Nill Bye.
Where is Ms. Victoria right now?
(Answers will vary)
A man rides into town on Friday, stays three days and leaves on Friday. How is this possible?
The horses name is Friday.
This pirate is famous for the color of his beard.
What does Thanos use to snap his fingers and eliminate half of all living things?
The Infinity Gauntlet.
What house does Harry, Ron, and Hermione belong to?
Spell Mr. Dudes real name.
Ka'ron "Destroyer of Dads" Raikes
David's parents have three kids: Snap, Crackle- and what is the name of the last kid?
David, ya dingus.
What is a pirates favorite letter?
The "C" (sea) be his first love.
What superhero gets his powers from consuming a special flower located in Wakanda?
Black Panther.
Our Lord and Savior, Nill Bye.
Where did Mr. Victor go yesterday?
Bonus Point: What is his last name?
The hospital thanks to a gnarly fastball to the face by our very own Chris Santiago.
Bonus Point: Its Wu. Wu Hoo.