Vocabulary & Word Study
Comprehension Standards
Reader Thinking
Text-Based Responses
Content-Area Thinking

Stages of Word work

Two authors of an independent and reading level assessment for High-Frequency Words

Who are Foutas and Pinnel?


A little girl wanted to bring a basket to her grandmother but a wolf distracted her along the way and went to Gramma's house first and ate her.  So when the little girl got there, the wolf was waiting for her.  Then a woodsman heard the little girl shout and saved her before the wolf ate her also.  

What is a summary of Little Red Riding Hood?


These five components: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension are necessary to help someone ______.

What is "read"?


The teacher needs to begin with the end in mind with reader's and writer's workshops.

What is First Day to Test Day?


Topic provided, sources provided, student reads texts closely to determine logical inferences, cite textual evidence, provide time for research experiences, gather relevant information from reliable sources, and utilize focus questions to demonstrate subject comprehension.

What are Research Experiences?


A word or word part that carries the meaning. Affixes may be attached to it.

What is a "root or base word"?


The story element (setting, character, plot, conflict, resolution) being tracked in the following: 

The wolf was walking in the woods.  The wolf was hungry.  The wolf saw a girl and created a plan.  The wolf distracted the girl and ran to her gramma's house and ate the gramma.  The wolf was still hungry.  He pretended to be a gramma and was excited to eat the girl, but was then startled by a man with an ax.  The wolf was scared and ran away.

What is a character?


"Educational research shows that a reader needs to know 95 - 98% of the words within a text to ________ it's meaning."

What is "comprehend" or what is "understand"?


PIE is an acronom for these types of writing.

What are Persuade, Inform, and Entertain?


Where we identify textual differences and use our thinking and reading voices to comprehend.

What is Subject-Area Reading?


The average number of times a child needs to experience a high utility vocabulary word before mastery.

What are 14-40 times?


A term describing a book's text structure such as realistic fiction, historical fiction, mystery, fantasy, or non-fiction.

What is "genre"?


A student needs to do this thinking skill when asked the question, "How do you think Little Red Riding Hood's mother felt when she learned what happened at Gramma's house and why do you think that?"

What is "infer" or what is "make an inference"?


Provide an inference/answer to the question or prompt. Support the inference with examples/details from the text. Last, explain how the evidence supports the inference.

What is a constructed response?


The 4 types of text features: Basic parts, organizational aids, visual/graphic aids, and informational aids, will be taught by the end of this grade level.

What is 3rd grade?


85% of achievement test scores are based on the ___________ of the common core standards.  

What is "language" or what is "functional vocabulary"?


How someone feels about the text they are reading; this feeling can/will change throughout the text.

What is perspective?


The character in the story Little Red Riding Hood who students would benefit from learning the background knowledge "This is a person who lives in the woods and is skilled at hunting, trapping, and building things out of wood.  This person might use tools such as an ax or a saw."

Who is "the Woodsman"?


What a student might conclude about wolves in fairy tales after synthesizing the information about wolves from Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, and Peter and the Wolf.  

What is "Wolves in fairy tales should not be trusted."


First read for surface understanding. Next read again to zoom in on significant information. Last, zoom out to integrate knowledge.

What is solving word problems?

This is the number (example: 10, 30, 50) of "need-to-know" vocabulary words that is recommended a teacher focus on for each content area (subject). 

What is 30?


Smekens feels and explains how this chart is better than a Venn Diagram to use when comparing and contrasting information.

What is a T-chart?


Lifting information out of the text and marking information within the text.

What are note-taking and annotation?


Students need to rewrite from a different character's viewpoint, continue the story, insert the missing part or page, write a historical fiction, or write a science fiction.

What are Narrative Responses?


Your student's eyes become fatigued after only 20 minutes of doing this on the computer.

What is continuous scrolling?