To Be a Scout
Dan Fires
Aquatics & Camping
First Aid
Troop History

What is the Scout Motto & Slogan?

Motto - Be Prepared 

Slogan - Do a Good Turn Daily


List the 3 materials, by size, to build, and maintain a fire.

Tinder, Kindling, & Fuel


What is a PFD?

On a Scouting Activity who has to wear them?

Personal Flotation Device - Everyone


What knot is considered the rescue knot?



What year was Troop 1032 founded?



How do you demonstrate Scout Spirit?

By making the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan part of your daily life.


Name the 3 most commonly built fire types. 

Log Cabin, Tepee, & Lean-to 


Name the 4 swim strokes for the BSA swim test.

Front Crawl



Elementary Backstroke 


What are 2 preferred ways to stop severe bleeding?

Direct Pressure & Pressure Points


How many Eagle Scouts does Troop 1032 currently have, as of 11/25/2019?



Demonstrate & Explain the Scout: 

Sign, Salute, & Handshake

Sign - Thumb & little finger touch, representing scouting's bond world wide. 3 fingers upward stand for the 3 parts of the Scout Oath.

Salute - The Scout sign held over the right eyebrow. Form of greeting & shows respect.         

Handshake - Left hand, nearest your heart signifies friendship.


What type of fire starter did you create on the Trail to First Class?

Fuzz or Fir Stick


What are the 3 most important pieces of personal gear?

Clothes, Shoes, & Water Bottle


According to the Scout Handbook, what are the 3 goals of First Aid.

1) Protect a person who is injured or ill from further harm.

2) Stop life-threatening medical emergencies.

3) Get professional medical help, call 911.


What year was the first group of Eagle Scouts for Troop 1032?



What is the significance of the 4 parts of the       

First Class Badge?

1) Eagle with Shield - Freedom and a Scout's   readiness to defend that freedom.

2) The 2 Stars - Truth & Knowledge

3) The Scroll - Reminder of the Scout Motto. The ends are turned up like a Scout's smile.

4) The Knot - A Scout's reminder to do a Good Turn Daily


According to the Scout Handbook, what are the 4 steps to extinguish a campfire?

1) Splash water on the embers                             

2) Stir the damp ashes with a stick                       

3) Splash water on the embers again

4) Repeat process until you can hold your hand just above the embers and not feel any heat


What were the 2 most important aspects of building the lean-to you discovered on the Wilderness Survival campout?

More leaves for insulation and face the door out of the wind.


What is the first thing you should do if you skin comes into contact with poison ivy, oak, or sumac?

Immediately wash with soap and water.


Where is the monument located, dedicated to the past, present, and future Eagle Scouts of Troop 32.

It is in the relocated Eagle Park, Located by the flag pole that stands between Walgreen and McDonald. 


Repeat from memory the Outdoor Code

As an American, I will do my best to;

Be clean in my outdoor manners,

Be careful with fire,

Be considerate in the outdoors, 

Be conservation minded.


What criteria does Dan use to determine a fire being a "Dan Fire"

The fire is tall enough that you can't see the person sitting on the opposite side of the fire.


Name the 8 points of the Safe Swim Defense.


1) Qualified Supervision                                     2) Personal Health Review (Medical)                    3) Safe Area                                                     4) Lifeguards                                                    5) Lookout                                                       6) Buddy System                                               7) Ability Groups                                               8) Discipline


When using a knife, what is the minimum distance you should be away from anyone else present and what is that distance called?

Arms length know as the blood circle.


What is the mission Statement for both Troop 1032 & 7032 ?

The mission of the Troop 1032 & 7032 is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.