A super sized carton of fries contains more or less than 500 calories?
Less, 486 to be exact
How many "wonders" are found in the world?
What sea did God part for the Israelites?
Red Sea
The richest man on the planet has a net worth of 419 billion. Who is he?
Elon Musk
Texas is actually the second largest state in America. Which state is biggest?
How many ounces was in a super sized drink?
42 ounces
What is the last standing structure from the original Seven Wonders of the World?
The Great Pyramids of Giza
What mountain did the Ark land on?
How many times can the blood vessels in one human wrap around the world?
What is the #1 food in Texas?
Which fast food chain first used the phrase "Super Sized?"
McDonalds in 1987
What is the tallest building in New York City?
One World Trade Center
How did Elijah die?
He didn't; he was taken by a chariot of fire.
The oldest living animal on Earth is 192 years old. What animal is it?
The catchphrase "Don't Mess With Texas" originated in what year?
How many meat patties are stacked on the largest commercial burger?
The Statue of Liberty
How many people did Jesus raise from the dead?
3 or 4 when including himself
How many times does your heart beat in one day? (10,000, 100,000, OR 1,000,000)
Texas has the longest horn spread on a living bull with the spread being more or less than 10 feet?
Less, 8.6 ft.
What percentage of Americans eat fast food daily?
How many miles long does the Great Wall of China run?
13,000 miles
Name the days of creation in order.
1. Light 2. Sky 3. Land/sea/plants/trees
4. Sun/moon 5. Sea creatures/birds
6. Land animals/humans 7. Rest
The largest book ever published is found in Texas. It measures 7 ft. tall and 11 ft. wide. How many pounds does it weigh?
496 pounds