Characters 1
Characters 2

The original rival of Mario during the Nintendo vs Sega console wars

Who is Sonic?


Not one, not two, but three characters that are all actually different incarnations of this hero

Who is Link?


This weapon can charge a powerful attack that can KO opponents when fully charged. It's also used in a secondary minigame mode.

What is Home Run Bat? 

The protagonist of Golden Sun, this character can use earth based psyenergy to move objects and cause earthquakes

Who is Isaac?


This stage is based on a level from the original Donkey Kong arcade machine

What is 75m? 


The original echo fighter, this character focuses on using his feet instead of his fists

Who is Ken?

This mercenary hero wields the two handed sword Ragnell with only one hand, showing off just how strong he is to his opponents

Who is Ike? 

Watch out, this item might look like another powerful pick up, but breaking it causes a large explosion that can KO you

What is Fake Smash Ball? 


This assist, based on Nintendo's version of the hit Pong, appears and plays out a match right on the stage

What is Color TV-Game 15?


This stage features KK Slider performing on Saturday nights in the background of fights

What is Town and City? 


The oldest character in Smash history, this character first appeared in April 1980 in 'Ball' 

Who is Mr. Game and Watch?


The 'Cunning God of Death,' this villain has eaten children, wiped out entire planets, and even killed the series protagonist's parents. Yes, that's canon. 

Who is Ridley? 


This being has no use outside of throwing it, but it will instantly break through any shield

What is Mr.Saturn? 


From the Virtua Fighter series, this character retains his original polygon style appearance as he is summoned into battle

Who is Akira? 


This stage from the star fox series places the Great Fox on a desolate planet, where in the original game the star fox team hunts down Andross

What is Venom?


Richter Belmont is brainwashed by the Dark Priest Shaft in this installment of the Castlevania Series

What is Symphony of the Night?


Fighting alongside FOXHOUND, this character, real name David, is from what is considered one of the most important games in video game history

Who is Snake?


This item, while taking a few seconds to actually be used, will give the player who uses it an extra stock in stock match or an extra KO in a timed match

What is Special Flag? 


From the Pikmin series, this assist comes out of the ground and pecks the eyes out of anyone who comes into contact with it

What is Burrowing Snagret? 


The monsterous Kraid appears in the background of this stage, occasionally rotating it

What is Brinstar Depths?


Considered the final bosses of Smash, these two use various attacks to defeat the player (or players if done in co-op) 

Who are Master Hand and Crazy Hand? 


While Rathalos from Monster Hunter might take the title of first Assist and Boss, this character is a boss version of a playable character

Who is Giga Bowser? 

This living item will reverse the controls of whoever it hits upon throwing it

What is Ramblin' Evil Mushroom?


This robot was used to stop Dr. Walnuts and his evil robots from taking over the world in 1993's Joy Mech Fight

Who is Sukapon?


This stage features the Ultimate Chimera, which instantly KOs any player caught in it's mighty jaws

What is New Pork City?