4 zones
What does SEL stand for?
Social Emotional Learning
Name one thing you like about yourself.
If you did it, you get the points!
What type of dog breed is Haven?
St. Bernard :)
Name each colored zone on the daily check in.
Red, green, yellow, and blue
Why is it important to practice SEL?
If you answered correctly, you get the points!
If you notice another student is upset, what should you do?
Ask them if they're okay, tell a trusted adult, see if you can help them . . .
True or False: Everyone has the same triggers or emotional reactions.
Which staff member does Miss Lindsey share an office with?
Mrs. Paula/Mrs. Corbin
What is the random check in question today?
What's your favorite type of chips?
True or False: Peer pressure is always bad.
False! Sometimes peer pressure can be positive. For example, friends can encourage healthier habits, motivate you academically, boost confidence, etc.
Give a compliment to someone on your team.
If you did it, you get the points!
True or False: Anger is only about feeling mad.
False! Anger is the tip of the iceberg; there’s often something deeper underneath like hurt, frustration, or sadness.
What is a goal?
Something you want to do or accomplish.
Name one example of being "in crisis."
If you answered correctly, you get the points!
If someone blames others for their mistakes instead of owning up to them, they are lacking this quality.
What is the ability to understand the feelings of others called?
What are three healthy coping skills?
Examples: Deep breathing, listening to music, journaling, taking a break, etc.
How many hours of sleep is recommended for teens and adults?
8-9 hours
What is the picture on the check in?
Football helmet and football
Give an example of a time when it's appropriate to "snitch" on someone or something.
Snitching is often seen as telling on someone for personal gain or minor issues just to get them in trouble.
Speaking up is about protecting someone from harm or stopping something wrong before it gets worse.
What can you do to help someone else's self-esteem?
Be friendly, give them a compliment, say hello, treat them with respect, etc...
Being able to bounce back from challenges
What is resilience?
What are two things you can do when you feel like you're about to "crash out"?
Ask to take a break, take deep breaths, listen to music, stop and consider the consequences . . .