You got Nerves
Where's that blood goin'
What's the action

The origin of the Rhomboid Major

What is the SP of T2-5


The innervation of the Latissimus Dorsi

What is the Thoracodorsal N. (long or middle subscap n.) (C6, 7, 8)


The posterior branches of the posterior intercostal a. supply blood to these muscles of the superficial/intermediate back

What is all of them


The actions of Serratus Post superior and Serratus post inferior

What is elevation and depression of the ribs


The floor of the intertubercular groove of the humerus is the insertion for

What is the Latissimus Dorsi


The muscles that have at least one origin point as the spinous/transverse process of the vertebra

What are all muscles of the superficial/intermediate back!


The ventral rami (C3 and C4) innervate which muscles (hint: there are two)

What is sensory innervation of the trap, and the levator scapulae


The blood supply of the serratus post superior and inferior

What is the post branch of the posterior intercostal a.


The open chain action of both rhomboids (hint, they are the same)

What is scapular retraction (med slide + ext rot) & downward rotation, and assistance with upward slide

Many muscles insert on the scapula, this muscle however, inserts on the medial border between the superior angle and the root of the spine

What is the Levator scapulae


These muscles origins include supraspinous ligaments

What is the middle and lower traps AND the serratus posterior superior and inferior


The Dorsal scapular N. innervates these muscles

What are the Rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, and Levator Scapulae 


The Thoracodorsal a. (in addition to the post branch of post intercostal a.) supplies blood to this muscle:

What is the Latissimus Dorsi

The open chain action of the Latissimus Dorsi

What is adduction, extension, medial rotation of the humerus, assistance with scapular depression (downward rot + inf slide)


The insertion points of the rhomboids are:

What is the medial border of scapula @ the level of root of spine (minor), and the medial and inferior border of the the scapula below the root of spine (major)


Two muscles of the superficial back have origins on the ligamentum nuchae, but this muscle specifically originates on the lower portion 

What is the rhomboid minor

The innervation of BOTH the serratus posterior superior/inferior

what is the segmental branch of intercostal n. t2-5 (superior) and the ventral rami of T9-11 spinal n. (inferior)


The blood supply of the Rhomboids and the Levator Scapulae consists of these arteries:

What is the Deep branch of the transverse cervical a. or the dorsal scapular a. AND the posterior branches of the posterior intercostal a.


The Rhomboid major and minor are both muscles that help with the action of scapular retraction. Scapular retraction is made up of these two scapular translations-

What is medial slide + external rotation


The insertion site of the serratus posterior superior

What are ribs 2-5 along the superior border on external surfaces lateral to the rib angles


The origins of the Latissimus Dorsi

What are the SP of T7-L5, the thorocolumbar fascia, the iliac crest, and ribs 9-12


The trap is the only muscle (of the superficial/intermediate back) that has motor innervation from THIS structure

What is CN XI, the accessory nerve

The two variations of blood supply to the Trapezius

what is-

variation 1: Superficial cervical a., post branch of post intercostal a., and dorsal scapular a.

Variation 2: Superficial branch of transverse cervical a.,  deep branch of transverse cervical a., and post branch of post intercostal a.


The CC actions of the upper trapezius (both unilateral and bilateral)

what is

unilateral: ipsilateral SB and contralateral rot of the head/neck

bilateral: extension of head and neck


The insertions for the upper, middle, and lower trap

what is

UT: post border of lat 1/3 of clavicle 

MT: med border of acromion and sup lip of scapular spine

LT: triangular area med to base of scapular spine