Unthinkable Characters
Unthinkable Characters
I make people get stuck on their ideas. Which Unthinkable am I?
Rock Brain
I put people in Grumpy Moods. Which Unthinkable am I?
Grump Grumpaniny
Tommy is in class and decides he doesn't want to work on the activity his teacher asked him to work on. Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Body Snatcher B. Rock Brain C. Glassman
B. Rock Brain!
Tommy and his classmates are playing the board game called Sorry. When Ally started to win, Tommy folded his arms and said "I don't like this game, I don't want to play any more. This isn't fair." When Tommy then started to win, Tommy said, "Ha ha! I'm winning, I'm winning!" Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. One-sided Sid B. D.O.F. - Destroyer of Fun
B. D.O.F. - Destroyer of Fun
I make people have huge upset reactions. Which Unthinkable am I?
I give people too much energy. Which Unthinkable am I?
Energy Hare-y
Tommy and Ally are both talking about what they did that weekend when Tommy suddenly started talking about fish instead. Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Brain Eater B. Topic Twistermeister
B. Topic Twistermeister
Ally was thinking about Tommy and was asking him all about his weekend and what he likes to do on the weekends. Tommy answered all of Ally's questions, but didn't ask her anything back. Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Topic Twistermeister B. Un-Wonderer
B. Un-Wonderer
I get people to invade other's personal spaces. Which Unthinkable am I?
Space Invader
I distract people. Which Unthinkable am I?
Brain Eater
Tommy went up to the teacher and put his arm around her. Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Energy Hare-y B. Space Invader
B. Space Invader
Tommy doesn't know anybody in the group he was put in for Friday Friends. He then moves into the corner, doesn't particpate in the activity everyone else is doing, will not talk to anyone, has a frown on his face and keeps saying "I want to go home!" Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Grump Grumpaniny B. Worry Wall
A. Grump Grumpaniny
I make people overly competitive. Which Unthinkable am I?
D.O.F. - Destroyer of Fun
My name is Topic Twistermeister. What do I do?
I make people jump off topic.
In class, Tommy starts playing with his pencils, shoes, erasers and papers. He is also making little noises while the teacher is talking and the others around him are trying to learn. Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Brain Eater B. Mean Jean
A. Brain Eater
During group work in class, Tommy kept looking away and walking away from the group. Tommy's group was suppose to talk to each other to try and figure out the answer to the teacher's question, but they felt like Tommy wasn't even listening to them since his eyes, ears and body wasn't in the group discussion. Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Rock Brain B. Body Snatcher
B. Body Snatcher
I am the Un-Wonderer. What do I do?
I don't like people to socially wonder about other people and their thoughts and feelings.
My name is body snatcher. What do I do?
I move people's bodies away from the group.
In PE class, Ally tagged Tommy, however Tommy didn't feel like he got tagged. Tommy started to scream at Ally and kick the walls after Ally told him he was out. Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Glassman B. Worry Wall
A. Glassman
In class, Ally tripped over a cord and hurt her ankle. Instead of asking her if she was okay and needed help, Tommy started to laugh and made a silly joke. Which Unthinkable has invaded Tommy's brain? A. Wasfunnyonce B. One-sided Sid
A. Wasfunnyonce