Social Detective
Unthinkables #1
Unthinkables #2
Superflex Strategies

Lucas & Juno are playing CONNECT 4 when Juno keeps knocking over the game pieces. 

What type of behavior is Juno engaging in: Expected or unexpected?



I make people stuck on their ideas.

Rock Brain.



I get people to have big reactions to small problems.


Lucas is trying to talk to his mom about fish when he noticed his mom not responding to him. 

1) Which Unthinkable does Lucas' mom have? 

2) Name one Superflex strategy Lucas' mom can use to defeat this Unthinkable.


Lucas' mom can: 

- Look at Lucas while he's talking 

- Ask Lucas "social wonder" questions

- Create a people-file about Lucas in her brain 

- Ask Lucas WH- questions (who, what, where, when, why)


Lucas & Juno are playing CONNECT 4 when Juno keeps knocking over the game pieces. 

What type of thoughts might Lucas have about Juno's behavior: Good or uncomfortable?



I make people worry or feel nervous about a lot of different things, such as about the people around them.

Worry Wall.


Mean Jean.

I get people to: 

- Say mean or hurtful things to others 

- Grab or take things from others 

- Get upset about tiny problems

- Do only what I want to do all the time


Lucas' parents tell Lucas & his brother that it's time for bed. Lucas, however, starts chasing his brother around the house. 

1) Which Unthinkable does Lucas have? 

2) Name one Superflex strategy Lucas can use to defeat this Unthinkable.

Energy Harey! 

Lucas can: 

- Use Whole Body Listening (i.e., eyes looking, ears listening, mouth quiet) 

- Look around at how his parents are behaving (1 - calm; 2 - excited; 3 - out of control)

- Take a few deep breaths in & out


Lucas & Juno are playing CONNECT 4 when Juno keeps knocking over the game pieces. 

Name a consequence that Juno might face if she continues this behavior. 

***Any good answer***

Possible consequences: 

- Get in trouble with the teacher/other adults 

- Lucas/other people might not want to play with Juno anymore


I make people act funny during an inappropriate time or say the same jokes repeatedly.




I get people to stop showing interest in others by not asking questions.


Juno's sister woke up Juno early in the morning to get ready for work. Juno, however, starts saying negative & mean things to her sister for waking her up so early. 

1) Which two Unthinkables does Juno have? 

2) Name one Superflex strategy Juno can use to defeat these Unthinkables.

Mean Jean & Grump Grumpaniny! 

Juno can: 

- Use self-talk (e.g., "Will this hurt my sister's feelings?")

- Apologize (e.g., I'm sorry for saying mean things to you. Thanks for waking me up on time!")

- Think about how her sister are treating her (e.g., "Is she being nice or mean?")


What is the name of the "bad guys" in the Superflex curriculum?



I make people move their bodies into other peoples' personal space.

Space Invader.


Brain Eater.

I distract other people's brains which causes them to not think about others around them by: 

- Thinking about their favorite interests only 

- Talking about things they're thinking about, even if it’s off topic 

- Focusing on objects around them during unexpected times


Lucas is in class when his teacher keeps unexpectedly leaving the classroom. 

1) Which Unthinkable does Lucas' teacher have? 

2) Name one Superflex strategy Lucas' teacher can use to defeat this Unthinkable.

Body Snatcher 

Lucas' teacher can:

- Use her eyes to see where her students are

- Use self-talk (e.g., "Where should my body be?")

- Point her shoulders towards her students


What does it mean to use our Superflex powers?

Defeating the Unthinkables/bad guys so we can be good citizens by having good social skills. 


I make people change topics by making them forget what other people want to talk about.

Topic Twister Meister.


One-Sided Sid.

I get people to only talk about topics they like while sometimes interrupting others.


Juno got upset losing all three rounds of UNO that she threw the UNO cards into the air & stormed off. Juno also tried cheating at one point but got caught in the act.  

1) Which two Unthinkables does Juno have? 

2) Name one Superflex strategy Juno can use to defeat these Unthinkables.

Glassman & Destroyer of Fun! 

Juno can: 

- Use self-talk (e.g., "How big is this problem?")

- Compromise fairly (e.g., rock-paper-scissor, roll a dice, or flip a coin)

- Use positive thoughts & compliments (even if Juno loses the game)