It's Rewind Time
This Is Only What Ur Good For
Bruh I'm Not Creative With Names
That's What She Said
1.5x Points

As a young teenager, this character was evacuated from their planet right before it was destroyed and sent to earth.

DP for the name of their planet.

Kara Zor-El, Supergirl

DP: Krypton


What is the most prominent superpower used in comics?

DP for the most prominent in Marvel and DC separately.

All:Super Strength

Marvel: Super Strength     DC: Super Speed/Agility


What was Stan Lee's last movie cameo?

Avengers Endgame


"Oh, I'm not like the Flash at all. Some would say I'm the reverse."

a. Reverse Flash

b. Zoom

c. Savitar

d. Godspeed

e. Red Death

f. Cobalt Blue

-Reverse Flash

The Man in the Yellow Suit, The Flash 1x9


"You either die a hero ...

... or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

-Two-Face, The Dark Knight Rises



DP for how old he was.

Bitten by a radioactive spider.

DP: 15 years old


Symbiotes, like Venom and Carnage, are weak to what 2 things?

DP for why they are weak to them.

Sound and Fire

DP: The fear of sound comes from Knull's hammer striking his anvil and the fear of fire from Knull's forge.


Captain America Comics #1 – cover-dated March 1941 and on sale December 20, 1940, a full year into World War II – showed the protagonist punching _____.

Adolf Hitler


"Not impressed."

a. Iron Man

b. Thanos

c. Superman

d. The Thinker

e. Professor X

f. Batman


Justice League: Snyder Cut


"Everyone Keeps Telling Me How My Story's Supposed to Go. Nah ...

I'm Gonna Do My Own Thing."

-Miles Morales, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


The Flash

DP for what his "canon event" was.

Struck by lightning and doused with chemicals.

DP: The murder of his mother and his father falsely going to prison for it.


The Green Lantern Ring grants the wearer incomprehensible powers by harnessing their _____.

DP for what their biggest weakness is. (Not just Yellow Jarrod)


DP: Fear, The Yellow Lantern Corps


89P13 is more commonly known as _____.

Rocket Raccoon


"You think this is new to me? Do you know how many rebellions I have put down? How many worlds I've conquered?"

a. Kang

b. Infinity Ultron

c. Thanos

d. Darkseid

e. Steppenwolf

f. Anti-Monitor


Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania


"It was me Barry ...

I jerked you off at super-speed so it seemed like you nutted at just a woman's touch!" (Not actually but it's funny)

-Reverse Flash, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox



DP for where he got them.

TP for what Shazam stands for.

Gifted it by the ancient wizard, Shazam.

DP: The Rock of Eternity

TP: Solomon's wisdom, Hercules' strength, Atlas' stamina, Zeus' power, Achilles' courage, Mercury's speed


Kryptonian x-ray vision allowed Kryptonians to see through walls except those made of what element?

DP for why it doesn't work.


DP: It's pretty thicc.


Pink kryptonite has what effect on Kryptonians?

a. Kills them

b. Depowers them

c. Gives Kryptonian powers to humans

d. Changes them mentally or physically

e. Makes them high

f. Makes them gay

Makes them gay


"You break the rules and become a hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair."

a. Loki

b. Mommy

c. Winter Soldier

d. Ultron

e. Nebula

f. Thanos


Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness


"Whosoever holds this hammer, ...

if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

-Odin Borson, Thor


These characters were shipwrecked onto the deserted island, Lian Yu. (Live Action)

DP for the English meaning of Lian Yu.

Oliver Queen, Green Arrow and Sara Lance, White Canary

DP: Purgatory


What is the name of mommy's magic?

Chaos Magic


What is the most powerful Lantern Corps on the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum?

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, ultraviolet, black, white, rainbow, eternal

White Lanterns


"Oh [Oliver]... I'm ten steps ahead of you and you haven't even figured out what game we're playing yet."

a. Mysterio

b. The Dark Archer

c. Reverse Flash

d. The Thinker

e. Prometheus

f. Deathstroke

-Adrian Chase, Prometheus

Checkmate, Arrow 5x16


"Fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break? That's like ...

... Sixteen Walls!"

-Deadpool, Deadpool