Religion and Belief Systems
Philosophies and Perspective
The Gospel of John
John continued

This religion follows the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama and aims to achieve enlightenment through practices like meditation.

What is Buddhism?


This perspective denies the existence of deities and often embraces a secular, scientific approach to understanding the universe.

What is Atheism?


In the opening of this Gospel, the phrase "In the beginning was the Word" refers to this person.

Who is Jesus?


In John Chapter 3, this Pharisee came to Jesus by night to discuss spiritual matters, asking how a person can be born again.

Who is Nicodemus?


Who is the oldest person that joins our Bible study?

Ms. Pat


This religion, originating in India, believes in a cycle of rebirth and has scriptures known as the Vedas.

What is Hinduism?


This religion, formally known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was founded by Joseph Smith in the 19th century.

What is Mormonism?


Metaphysically, "the Word" in John Chapter 1 symbolizes this divine creative power or principle within each individual.

What is the Christ Consciousness?


Metaphysically, Nicodemus represents this stage of spiritual seeking, where one begins to question the material understanding of life.

What is the awakening intellect (or the search for higher truth)?


Who is in the Bible study group but never shows up? 



This spiritual and cultural center is known for its promotion of African heritage and liberation theology in the United States.

What is the Shrine of the Black Madonna?


This philosophical belief system, founded by Confucius, emphasizes morality, family loyalty, and social harmony as key principles.

What is Confucianism?


In John Chapter 2, Jesus performs His first miracle at this event, turning water into wine.

What is the Wedding at Cana?


John 3:16, one of the most quoted verses in the Bible, begins with these words: "For God so loved the world that He gave..."

What is His only begotten Son?


Riddle: What type of car did Jesus drive? 

Christler (Chrysler) 


Founded by L. Ron Hubbard, this belief system uses a practice called auditing to help individuals achieve spiritual clarity.

What is Scientology?


This Eastern philosophy, often associated with Laozi, advocates for living in harmony with the Tao, or the fundamental nature of the universe.

What is Taoism?


At the Wedding at Cana, Jesus instructs the servants to fill these with water, which He later turns into wine.

What are stone jars (or water pots)?


The phrase "born again" in John Chapter 3 metaphysically refers to this kind of transformation within the sou

What is the rebirth of spiritual consciousness?


Riddle: How does Moses make his coffee? 

Hebrews it


This ancient belief system from Egypt involves gods and goddesses like Ra and Osiris and has a rich mythology connected to the afterlife.

What is Ancient Kemet?


What is Zay's philosophy on religion and spirituality  

God is in us; each of us are gods and we all can learn from other


Why did the yogi refuse to play hide and seek?

Because good karma is always found!


In John Chapter 3, the wind is a metaphor for the invisible, omnipresent activity of this divine force in our lives.

What is the Holy Spirit (or divine energy)?


Why did the Buddhist monk avoid fast food?

Because he wanted to stay in the “present” moment, not the “fast” lane!