Load Issues

When a TOMY driver calls in prior to the start of the tour to report there are no tractors to use for their tour & they won't be able to do it.  On their tour they have a CF load, what should be done?

What is have TOMY driver report the issue to their TAM or TOM to have a rejection SIM filled out.


When rejecting a load due to mechanical tractor, what should we consider before rejecting?

What is the root cause for the rejection.


Driver calls in to report they have 3 hours of HOS left, driver states he will be able to drop off the CF load, but won't be able to complete the last empty move, what should we advise?

What is cancel the empty move & create BT/STEM LEG BT for driver to go back to their home-yard/domicile.


Driver calls in to report a tractor issue in between sites, what is the first thing you should create?

What is an OTR.


What can we do better as peers when handling a call back request?

What is take our time to make sure everything is done correctly.  Quality VS Quantity.

When a driver calls in to report a tractor issue where is the AA supposed to go to create the work order?

 What is new unplanned request under relay garage.


Driver calls in to report they are not done live unloading the trailer & it is almost their departure time (no danger of HOS issues), what should the AA be advising the driver?

What is you will have to wait for the site to be done live unloading & then proceed to the next stop after that.


Which type of driver has a reset in the middle of their tour?

What is a SOLO 2 driver?


Driver calls in to report a mechanical issue with the tractor, CEL light is on & will not go off, driver has a loaded trailer on the back, what SIM's need to be created?

What is an OTR SIM, Fleet Net, ITR SIM (unless cb req came across on recovery wim then choose "load needs recovery in transit" from drop down menu).


Why is the percentage of 98.5% so important to ROC/DSS?

What is the goal # to reach & keep for packages delivered on time or before the PDD.


Driver called in to report that during the pre-trip of the trailer for his CF load, the clearance lights were not working.  It's not Planned Yard time yet, how should this be handled?

What is create a Mechanical Trailer SIM ticket (CTI) & advise driver to call back at Planned Yard time for adjustments.


Dispatch calls in with the driver bridged on the line & the empty carts load is not being accepted by the site they arrived at, what should we do?

What is reach out to the TEC POC to advise of the issue & get resolution, if no answer within 5 min create an FMC support case asking for a redirect & redirect VRID to be included so we can get the driver taken care of.


Carrier requested call back to advise that the driver has 10 min of HOS left, but over 50 miles left to get to home yard, what should we advise?

What is have the driver pull over to a safe location & then call us back so we can create OTR & Fleet Net to recover the tractor & dispatch a Lyft to pick up the driver.


Carrier calls in to place a work order for a tractor, but there is already an open work order in place for another issue, what should we advise carrier?

What is advise the carrier there is already an open work order that's ongoing, inform them you can notate the open one of the new issue that you've come across, but an additional work order can not be created until the current one is closed out.


Why are load notes important?

Very important from a DEA/Standard work point of view that load notes are made in any VRID that is touched or any VRID that is referenced in a WIM even if we do not make any changes.  As well as full details of what was done/took place so that another peer or member of leadership will be able to pick up where you left off.


What is the difference between an AFP tractor issue VS a TOMY tractor issue when they are at their respective home sites, meaning who is responsible to create the work order?

What is AFP tractor issues are created by AA's, TOMY tractor issues are handled by the TAM or TOM.


Why is it important to inform the recovery chat of any type of issue involving a customer facing load?

What is it's the recovery teams responsibility to monitor all CF loads, as well as getting them recovered when needed.


Driver calls in to report the timing of their tour is conflicting with their reset by 15 min & their first load is customer facing, what should we do?

What is advise the driver we will notate the load notes & then select load needs to be monitored from drop down menu or notify the recovery chat to monitor for drivers arrival.


Carrier calls in to report an incident that took place for a driver over a week ago with their tractor where the smart drive was triggered, what do we need to do?

What is fill out ARC online form, call CEI to report it & create AFP Accident SIM.


What is the purpose of a tractor down SIM?

What is to keep track internally of the tractor, the service issue & the updates that MCS provides.


Dispatch calls in to report that the load is not ready for the driver & it's past planned yard time.  What should be done to confirm the load status & how should we action the remainder of the tour?

What is check SSP for load status or bridge with ship clerk/GS on site.  Then pull load off tour & reject accordingly with correct code.  Then look for additional downstream impacts & bridge where needed.


Driver reports arriving to site to pick up an Amazon Inbound Vendor load & the driver says the site is closed, what should be done?

What is reach out to the POC's first, wait for 5 min to get a response from them, if no response cancel & do not re-plan, then bridge the gap.


Driver calls in to report they need to take their 10 hour reset & have just pulled up to the truck stop, but they do have a customer facing load on their back, what should we ask the driver?

What is have you logged off yet to start your reset?

If YES - please advise driver once reset is complete, please continue with tour as scheduled.

If NO - please advise driver to detach from trailer because there is a possibility that recovery will come & take the trailer.  If still there after reset, please hook back up to it & continue with tour.


Driver calls in to report they have been in an accident on the freeway & they have a Customer Facing loaded trailer on their back, who needs to be called & what needs to be created for safety of driver & standard work practices?

What is confirm 911 has been called by driver or other party, call ARC, CEI, create OTR, AFP accident, Trailer accident SIMS & notate all correlating information into the load notes as well as confirm the tow vendor that the police will be using to tow our assets too so CEI can follow up to recover them.


What is the importance of the S&D Room?

To have a safe place to reach out to in regards to resolving issues with a block, tour, or leg that you're trying to resolve.