Utterances are repeated immediately after they are heard
Immediate echolalia
Echolalia is used by
everyone at times
many Autistic individuals
An example of a directive
Put on your mittens, etc.
2 things that immediate echolalia is supported by:
simplify your speech
visual supports
reduce sensory input/processing load
acknowledge, elaborate, expand
reduce questions/directives
Many students acquire phrases from here
Media (TV, YouTube, movies, etc.)
Words, phrases, or sentences are repeated after the fact
Delayed echolalia
_________ stage learners may start to "mix and match" scripts/phrases
An example of a comment
I like playing on the swing, etc.
This is the foundation
Hyperlexic students may benefit from this
Written scripts
Basic units of language are words
Analytic Language Processing
The first stage in gestalt language processing
Gestalt language (echolalia)
Instead of saying "Bobby is on the slide" model...
I'm on the slide!
I'm sliding!
This may get a shift in attention from your student
Non-speaking, minimally speaking and speaking students can benefit from
Visual supports
Basic units of language are chunks
Gestalt Language Processing
It's exciting when this happens!
Start to hear inaccurate grammar
Make this into a declarative: Are you tired?
I see you rubbing your eyes, you look tired.
Observe, Wait & Listen or Wait, Watch, Wonder
These allow modelling of phrases with varying intonation
Character conversation books (speech bubbles)
Reducing questions/directives and focusing on comments/observations
Declarative language
2 purposes delayed echolalia serves:
to communicate
to regulate
indicate dysregulation
For every question/directive, make at least _____________!
When a student needs more phrases we need to do this
Model a functional replacement that is easily mix and matchable
One way to help increase meaningful connections
Incorporate students interests
Follow the student's lead