Individual & Family Care
Normal Aging Changes
True or False.
Disease Process
Effective Communication
Responding to Altered Behaviour

Families are partners in care?

What is true


Learning and processing information takes place at the same speed through a life time?

What is false - There is a slowing of central processing of information so older adults may need more time to process information.


What are the 3 D's?

What is depression, dementia and delirium.


Words get all jumbled up?

What is Word Salad


All behaviour has a meaning.

What is responsive behaviour.

Look for what was happening before the behaviour occurred, who was involved, what was the behaviour (be specific), when did it occur, what happened after.  


In the Supportive Pathways Model of Care, who is at the center?

What is the client?


Bathing older adults daily is a good way to maintain hygiene in older adults?

What is false - The skin of older adults produces fewer oils to help keep skin moist so bathing less often and applying moisturizers help keep the skin more hydrated and moist.


An acute or sudden onset of mental confusion as a result of a medical, social, and/or environmental condition?

What is delirium.


Communication exercise teaches us . . . 

What is - how we interpret what we hear can be very different from what the person who said it meant.


List 3 different perspectives that need to be assessed to discover the meaning of behaviour.

What is physical causes (diseases), the person, the environment.


List 5 warning signs of abuse.

What are: 1)Suspicious injuries, 2)Poor physical appearance or signs of neglect, 3)Fearful of the caregiver, 4)discrepancy between known income/standard of living, 5)worrying about documents they have signed, 6)caregiver concerned more about the financial status of the person not their health status, 7)new friend or caregiver isolating the person


The heart in older adults is often larger in size than in younger adults?

What is true - narrow arteries make it harder to pump blood through the body and heart muscle is weaker and less effective than in younger adults therefore the heart often enlarges in an attempt to push blood into the body.


What is perception, attention, language/symbols, judgment, reasoning, memory and problem solving?

What is cognition.


What effects our ability to listen - list three?

What is: impatience/not waiting, distractions, thinking we know the answer, focused on own problems, workload/routines.


What is the fourth factor that you need to consider when assessing behaviour?

What is YOU!

You can't change/control them. The only thing that you can control is yourself - your approach, your reaction, your willingness to make the day special!


What are some 3 feelings that families may experience?

What are: 1)Fear - that may be me in 20 years,

                2)Anger - at themselves, the person or other family caregivers.

                 3)Difficulty coping - 24/7 care

                  4)Conflict - with feelings/with family

                  5)Frustration - family don't help/live far away.


Studies show that an increase in exercise even in older adults can increase their muscle mass?

What is true - Use it or loss it.  Exercise and physical activity can help maintain and increase muscle mass in older adults.


Alzheimer's Disease, Vascular, Lewy Body, Frontotemporal ie Pick's?

What is dementia.


May not see the person talking to them, hard of hearing, background noise, pain, not feeling well, English not their first language, too much information at once, don't give them time to respond, disease processes.

What is: things that effect our client's ability to listen.


What are the things that build up, to lead to the catastrophic reactions?

What are triggers?

What causes you to react? Pet peeves.


In the Model of Care, list three things we can do to keep the client whole?

What is: 1) get into their reality

             2) Know and respect their family,culture and spirituality

              3) know what makes them feel good

              4) keep them free and secure

               5) support their strengths and challenges


The kidney's in the older person make the same amount of urine as in a younger person?

What is false - there is less blood flow to the kidneys and fewer cells to make urine, so production is less.

However, the bladder capacity is less, therefore they may need to urinate more often.


Aging, Genetics, Diabetes, Head Injury, Strokes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol.

What are risk factors for developing dementia.


Body language, gestures or props, touch, eye contact, facial expressions, tone of voice, environmental clues - smells

What is non-verbal communication.


This helps to explain what happens when beginning behaviours are not "checked" by interventions and a crisis ensues.

What is a crisis cycle.

Triggers, escalation, crisis, de-escalation