Facts about SCOTUS
Marshall Court
SCOTUS History
Landmark Cases
Notable Justices

This is the number of justices currently on the Supreme Court. 

What is 9?


This Chief Justice, who presided over the Marshall Court, is often regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of American law.

Who is John Marshall?


This person appoints SCOTUS justices. 

Who is the President of the United States?


Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the opinion of this famous case that deemed segregation in schools as unconstitutional, having a major impact on civil rights.

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


This Supreme Court Justice was an icon for gender equality, earning the nickname “Notorious RBG”.

Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?


This person is the current Chief Justice. 

Who is John Roberts?


Under the leadership of this Chief Justice, the Marshall Court issued the landmark decision in McCulloch v. Maryland, affirming the supremacy of federal law.

Who is John Jay?


Under this president’s term, SCOTUS decided that the president is not above the law. 

Who is Richard Nixon?


This Chief Justice wrote the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade, a landmark case regarding abortion rights.

Who is Warren Burger?


This person is the first African American justice for the Supreme Court.

Who is Thurgood Marshall?


8 of the 9 current SCOTUS justices attended this type of law school. 

What is the Ivy League?


This was the most famous case during the Marshall Court period which established Judicial Review.

What is Marbury V. Madison?


There were this many Justices when the First Supreme Court was created?

What is 6?


Justice Henry Billings Brown wrote the majority opinion of this landmark case that established the idea of “separate but equal”.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


This Chief Justice was the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

Who is Sandra Day O’Connor?


The term of a Supreme Court Justice is this long.  

What is Life of Good Behavior?


This President appointed John Marshall as Chief Justice.

Who is John Adams?


This part of Congress votes to confirm the President's nominee by a simple majority.

What is the Senate?


Justice Sandra Day O’Connor delivered the majority opinion on this case that established education systems on a higher level have a legitimate interest in encouraging and promoting diversity. 

What is Grutter V Bollinger?


This person is the only president who was also on SCOTUS.

Who is William Taft?


One of the current SCOTUS justices went to law school here, instead of an Ivy League university. 

What is Notre Dame University?


Century of the Marshall Court.

What is the 1800s?


The 1st Supreme Court assembled in this year and this popular city.

What is 1970 and New York?


Justice William Brennan wrote the majority opinion of this case that ruled symbolic speech, even if it’s offensive, is protected by the First Amendment.

What is Texas V Johnson?


This Chief Justice was born in New York City and was the first Latina on the Supreme Court. 

Who is Justice Sonia Sotomayor?