ayah 1-5
ayah 6-14
ayah 15-20
ayah 21-26
Ayah 27-30 + fun facts

He who recites it will be with him (Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī’) at the same place in Heaven on the Day of Judgement".

What rewards can you earn by reading surah al fajr?


The pharaoh 

Who was the main villain during the time of Prophet Moses (a.s.)?


False. Rizq can include other blessings such as health, family, spiritual blessing, etc.

True or false: The definition of Rizq is money.


The earth will flatten.

What will happen to the earth on the day of judgement?


Chapter 89

What chapter number is this Surah in the organized Quran we have today?


The first ten nights of Dhul Ḥijjah

Prophet Muhammed (S) said "Allah forgives the mistakes of whoever recites Sūrah al-Fajr on the 'Ten Nights.'" When are these ten nights?


He advised them and told them to worship Allah SWT but they didn't listen and kept on worshipping the idols.

What did prophet Hud say to the people in Yemen?



What is every human being entitled to?


Angels will surround and carry out and the commands of Allah SWT.

What will the angels do on the day of judgement?


30 verses.

How many verses are in Surah al Fajr?


To tear something and to let light through it

What is the meaning of fajr?

People of Thamud

What was the name of the people who lived between Medina and Syria and had Prophet Salih (a.s) sent to them?


You would be considered disgraceful. Honor is not achieved through material wealth, but rather by spiritual wealth that translates into honorable characteristics. 

If you are extremely wealthy and rich, but you commit sins on a daily basis and have no relationship with your creator, would you be considered to have honor or would you be considered to be disgraceful.


People will regret their sins and violations and become extremely scared.

What will happen to the people on the day of judgement when they see hellfire?


Number 10 in the order.

What was the order of revelation number of Surah al-Fajr?


The rise of Prophet Muhammed (S), Imam Hussain (a.s), and Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

Which three individuals is this Surah referring to when it talks about al Fajr?


If they don't repent before they die, they will get punished on the day of judgment in hell fire.

What will happen to the people who have strong power and use it for cruel reasons? 


That this is a test.

What is the natural feeling that you get when you lose money or a loved one of yours passes away?


After the day of judgement

When does the real life start?


Imam Hussain (a)

To which Imam of Ahlulbayt (a) are these verses reffering to when they mention “an-Nafs al-Muṭmaʾinnah”?


They would worship idols and associate partners with God.

What was the reoccurring problem of the past nations?


A thunder bolt from the sky and an earthquake killed them.

How did the people of thamud die?


Not honoring the orphan, not encouraging the feeding of the needy, using inheritance rapaciously, and loving wealth too much (any 3 of these 4 answers)

Name three of the four frowned upon acts that are mentioned in these verses.


Your sincere deeds and your status in the eyes of Allah SWT

What gives you a higher rank on the day of judgement?


Inspirational and/or motivating.

What is the theme of these last four verses?