Allah's Power, Signs and Miracles
Signs and Rewards of the Believers
Prophets and Seerah-Related
People on the Day of Judgement
The Challenges of this World

Allah created the heavens and the earth in six days, the last of which was this day of the week.

 Answer: What is Friday?


This gift, described as knowledge and guidance, will help believers walk through the darkness of ignorance and lead them to the right path.

 Answer: What is light?


Allah mentions the prophethood of these two noble Prophets, whose descendants were granted prophethood and scriptures.

 Answer: Who are Noah and Ibrahim?


On the day of judgement, the believers will be separated from the hypocrites by a ________, which will have mercy on one side and punishment on the other.

 Answer: What is the wall set up between the believers and hypocrites?


This attitude, which involves withholding people’s due rights and encouraging others to do the same, is considered a blameworthy behavior in the Quran.

 Answer: What is stinginess and exhorting others to stinginess?


This term refers to Allah's attribute of being the first before whom nothing existed and the last after whom nothing remains.

 Answer: What is Al-Awwal wal-Akhir?


Believers who fear Allah and believe in His Messenger will be granted _________ for believing in both the earlier Prophets and Muhammad.

 Answer: What is a double share of His mercy?


According to the Quran, believers have no reason not to respond to ______________, described as the noblest of humankind, who calls them to truth.

 Answer: Who is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?


Even the greatest of believers who have reached the highest levels of faith, righteous deeds, and certainty, are considered to be below this group of people.

 Answer: Who are the Prophets?


In one analogy in the surah, Allah compares the world to ________, which flourishes temporarily like a green field, only to wither and return to its former state when His decree comes to pass.

 Answer: What is rain or a fertile land?


This miracle occurs as Allah causes one to encroach upon the other, regulating time and creating seasons.

 Answer: What is the alternation of day and night?


Those who give charity and lend a goodly loan to Allah will have their reward multiplied, sometimes up to this many times the original deed.

 Answer: What is seven hundredfold (or many times more)?


According to the Quran, these individuals, who gave their lives and wealth in Allah's cause, will receive a very high and sublime status, close to Allah.

 Answer: Who are the martyrs?


Hell is the destination for those whose good deeds weigh _______ on the scales, and it is described as a blazing, hot fire.

 Answer: What is weighing lightly, or little?


The individual whose sole aspiration is worldly gain, leaves this world empty-handed, taking nothing but this.

 Answer: What is their shroud?


This miracle was sent down with great power for warfare and to benefit humanity in various industries, such as for farming, crafts, and even vessels.

 Answer: What is Iron?


The believers described in this surah do not boast about their blessings, as they know that these blessings are granted by Allah’s grace and not by their own power, leading to the virtues of ______ and _______.

 Answer: What is humility and gratitude?


These believers, who spent and fought before the victory of al-Hudaybiyah, are described as being of higher rank than those who acted afterward.

 Answer: Who are the early Muslims?


On the Day of Judgment, the hypocrites will ask the believers if they were not with them in this worldly practice, but will be told their deeds were devoid of this essential quality.

 Answer: What is sincere faith?


These two actions are described by Allah as useless for hearts and bodies, with people becoming heedless of divine remembrance and taking their religion as a game.

 Answer: What is play and distraction?


This object reminds believers that everything that happens to them, whether good or bad, is written in this divine record and is inevitable.

 Answer: What is al-Lawh al-Mahfoodh (the Preserved Tablet)?


This type of faith, according to Ahl as-Sunnah, involves belief in the heart, verbal expression, and righteous actions, both outward and inward.

 Answer: What is complete faith in Allah and His Messengers?


This group of people is reminded that they have no power over Allah’s grace, as it is solely in His Hand and He bestows it upon whomever He wills.

 Answer: Who are the People of the Book?


On the Day of Judgment, even if the hypocrites offered this amount in ransom, it would not be accepted from them, and their abode will be hell.

 Answer: What is an earth’s weight of gold?


Three challenges found in this life, driven by a love for this world.

 Answer: What is worldly adornment (luxury), boasting, and rivalry (comparing wealth, children, and status with others)?