Surgical Counts
Prep for Surgery
Site Identification
Time Out
Aseptic Technique
Consent and Pink Sheet

The person who should initiate the surgical count

Who is the circulator?


Your response if a patient asks if they can drive themselves home after completion of a procedure that required anesthesia

What is no?


The surgeon performing the procedure

Who is the person that is allowed to mark the surgical site?


healthcare laundered scrubs

What is the attire that can be worn in the Operating Room?


Surgeon, Anesthesiologist, Registered Nurse

Who are all of the people that must sign the pink sheet?


The person/people who can request a count

Who is any person of the perioperative team at any time?


Remove it or fill out a retained jewelry consent and counsel the patient on risks

What is the steps that need completed if a patient arrives with jewelry?


When the patient is awake, aware, and involved

When is the time that marking should occur?


The Surgeon

Who is the person that decides what surgical prep to use?


Date and Time

What are the two things required to be present with each signature?


What should be done if there is a count discrepancy

What is an x-ray?


seizure medications, cardiac medication, and breathing medications

What are the medications that Anesthesia permits the NPO patient to have the morning of surgery?


Ambulatory Surgery or OR Receiving

What are the locations that a surgical marking can occur?


Maintain the set up and monitor it closely

What staff should do when they have set up a surgical room?


If the patient has a latex allergy

What is a piece of information that should be called to the OR if applicable?


Your response if someone asks if they can remove an item from the surgical suite after counts have been completed

What is absolutely not?


use one package the night before, on package the morning of and bring one package to the hospital with you

What are the instructions given to patients pertaining to skin prep?


Immediately prior to inicision

When is the time frame when a time out should occur?
Can never be heated

What is alcohol based preps?


The patient name and the Assistant name

Who are two other people that must be named on the surgical consent?


The five times that instrument counts should be performed

What is before the procedure, when new instruments are added to the field, closure of a cavity within a cavity, wound closure or end of procedure when counted items are no longer in use, and permanent relief of either RN or Scrub?


blood thinners, GLP-1 injectables, NSAIDS, certain vitamins

What are the medications that need stopped prior to surgery?


All operating room staff

Who is involved in the time out?


3 minutes for hairless regions and up to one hour for regions with hair

What is the length of time that alcohol based preps be allowed to dry?


After the "I" on the top of the consent and on the line differentiated for "Signature of Legal Next of Kin"

What is where the next of kin/representative will need to put their name and signature at if the patient cannot sign the consent themselves?