Famous people

This Swedish band became world-famous after winning Eurovision in 1974.



One of this popular novel's special editions had a match attached to it.

"451º Farenheit" by Ray Bradbury


Name the movie.

The Shining (1980)


This famous Mexican painter got into a terrible accident while she was a teenager and started painting while recovering.

Frida Kahlo


According to some not very reliable source, every third person on Earth is a descendant of this historical person.

Genghis Khan


This song became viral and started "Rickroll" memes.

Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley (1986)


Fill in the blanks in the right order: 

I awoke to searing pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
          “Mr. ...,” she said. “You were lucky to have survived the bombing of "BLANK 1" two days ago. But you’re safe now here in this hospital.”
          Weakly, I asked, “Where am I?”
          “BLANK 2,” she said.

Hiroshima, Nagasaki. This is a short story by Alan E. Meyer

This classic 1959 comedy ends with the phrase: "Well, nobody's perfect"

Some Like it Hot


Both of these two painters have a painting named "Luncheon on the grass". As if they were trying to confuse people even more.

Claude Monet and Edouard Manet


This person is the first person ever to enter the open space.

Alexey Leonov


John Cage's music piece called 4'33" is famous for this feature.

Nothing happens during the song, it's just empty. The thought behind this was that the song will be different each time because of the sounds in the background.


This writer was paranoidal and was telling his family and friends that FBI was following him and monitoring every step of him. Years after his death it was proved that he was right.

Ernest Hemingway


This director's style is known for mostly symmetrical frames.

Wes Anderson


This painting was completely shredded during an auction in 2018.

"Girl with a balloon" by Banksy


This person survived over 600 murder attempts but died of something completely different.

Fidel Kastro


This 50 years old band's song was used for promoting Bill Clinton's presidential campaign.

Fleetwood Mac


This American writer was once mistaken for a vandal because he was secretly signing copies of his books in an Australian bookshop.

Stephen King


Alfred Hitchcock's Academy Awards winning speech (1968) contained only two words. What were they?

Thank you!


In this painter's full name you can find a name of a Columbian town, A Caribbean island and a type of a boat

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso


This movie-maker created a film that flopped in all possible ways, however due to the movie being absolutely trashy and absurd it is considered a cult movie.

Tommy Wiseau


Which Led Zeppelin song has numerous references to the "Lord of the Rings?"

Ramble On


This book's author lived in Soviet Union and used his experience there as an inspiration for creation of an artificial language, the "Nadsad", which is used in this book.

"Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess


This movie starts with a statement that it was based on a true story, however the ending credits revealed it was not.

Fargo (1995)


This painter had painted over 100 illustrations for an anniversary reissue of Dante's "Divine Comedy", however they were rejected by the Italian government.

Salvador Dali


This actor's son is a rabbi, which is quite ironic considering one of his most famous roles.

Christoph Waltz. The role is Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds.