The acronym ADL stands for this.
What is Activities of Daily Living?
Where staff have or can access dementia training.
What is All Staff, Education Binder, and/or Relias?
These are the meal times.
What are 7:30, 12:00, and 5:30?
This person is the abuse prevention coordinator.
Who is the Administrator? (Andrea)
A resident drank 2 cups of juice and ate all of their breakfast. This is charted as this.
What is 240 ml and 100% of their meal?
This is what you should be doing while performing ADLs.
What is explain what you are doing with the resident?
This is used for staff to ensure care is consistent with the care plan.
What is the Kardex?
This must be done between feeding different residents.
What is sanitize hands?
A resident cannot be called something other than their given name unless it is documented here.
What is the Care Plan?
What is repetitive movements?
When a resident refuses ADL's, this should be done.
What is ensure safe, leave, and reapproach?
Interventions for residents with dementia that do not have to do with Medications (i.e. lavender lotion, one on one interventions, redirection to activity, etc.) are called this
What are non-pharmacological interventions?
You cannot do this to a residents meal with altered textures.
What is add to their food/drink?
Daily Double: A resident is attending breakfast in a nightgown. This is only acceptable because of these 2 things.
What is it is resident's preference and it is care planned.
After an incident, a vague progress note was made. The details should be documented here.
What is a witness statement.
A resident is given cues while getting dressed (i.e. put your shirt on over your head first) is charted as what?
What is Supervision?
IDT meets this often to discuss behaviors.
Meals should be passed out according to this.
What is where they sit/table?
Daily Double: These are 3 of the residents rights.
See attached.
This is the difference between limited and extensive assist.
What is hand direction. Limited can help with overhand touch (guiding), Extensive helps with underhand touch (weight bearing).
A resident is able to perform all hygiene tasks, except they cannot brush their hair. This is charted as this.
What is Extensive?
Medications for residents with dementia are monitored this often, and by this person.
What are annually, by a psychiatrist (Dr. Desai).
Resident's weights are monitored at least this often, and by this person.
What is monthly, and registered dietician (Rachell Larson).
Deliberately limiting a resident's autonomy or choice may indicate this.
What is Abuse?
A resident was guided to the bathroom by having their hand held, and used the toilet without staff giving any cues or guidance. This is charted under this and as this.
What is transfers; limited assist.