The distance in feet, for how separation of clean and dirty items need?
What is 3 feet?
These can be used to verify a patient's identification.
What is Patient's full name and date of birth (or MRN #)? Must have 2 identifiers. Never use room number.
This is required if patients are requesting a copy of their medical record.
Release of Medical Records Information Form
Definition of QAPI.
What is Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement?
Interpreter services available at GSPP.
What are:
Quantum In-person interpretation
Quantel Phone Number
Translator Phones
Translated Documents through Quantum
The amount of time to insure equipment is considered clean when using a Clorox Bleach disinfectant wipe?
What is 3 minutes?
Time frame for reporting critical test values/results when they are available.
What is 1 hour.
Required Documentation for a patient in restraints.
What is: order, q2 hour assessment, care plan, patient/family education.
Name 2 Performance Improvement projects for your unit/site.
Unit specific.
Accucheck Quality Solutions once opened are dated upon opening and can be used for how many months.
What is 3 months.
Site on HUP Intranet that contains instructions for cleaning equipment.
What is OneSource?
The required elements of a Time Out.
What is a Correct Patient, Correct Site, Correct Procedure.
Information that must be obtained across inpatient settings regarding Advance Directives.
Does the patient have an Advanced Directive.
If yes, request a copy from the patient and place on chart.
If not, offer information about Advanced Directives (info is in welcome packet)
Process for reviewing events or potential events to determine cause of the event.
What is a Root Cause Analysis?
RACE Stands for
Extinguish or Evacuate
Incidences when hand sanitizer should not be used to perform hand hygiene.
What are:
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff)
Visibly soiled hands
HH goal for Compliance at GSPP.
What is 92% or higher!
Examples of unprotected patient health information (PHI).
Unattended labeled specimens
Unattended open electronic medical record (EMR)
Unattended patient sign-in sheets/logs
Unattended printed PennChart/Cerner Documents
GSPP structure for escalating concerns, reviewing data and presenting ideas.
What is a Huddle?
Provide examples for annual mandatory education requirements.
What are:
Health System Safety Essentials
Infection Prevention
Point of Care Testing
IFU Stands For _________.
Instructions for Use
The amount of time HH with alcohol based hand-rub or soap and water should be performed.
What is 15-20 seconds?
These may sign consent forms on behalf of patients who are deemed unable to make decisions.
Legally Authorized Representative (POA, Guardian) - legally authorized by the law to consent to care for the patient.
Healthcare Agent (identified in an Advance Directive)
Healthcare Representative - a person 18 years of age in the following order - spouse, adult child, parent, adult sibling, adult grandchild, an adult who has knowledge of the patient's preferences and values to assess how the patient would make health care decisions.
Mechanism GSPP uses to receive patient feedback?
What is Press Ganey and LTRAX?