Cleaning Products
Facility Knowledge
Emergency Preparedness
Turnover Practice
Surgical Attire

The product we use on surfaces during turnovers is __________



You are the runner and you accidentally dropped a tray on the floor. What should you do?

Call SPD, ask for a replacement, send the item back down for reprocessing, and let the room know.

The floor is always considered dirty and sterile items that drop to the floor are considered contaminated. 


A Code Adam alert on the overhead indicates....

A child abduction

In these situations, staff members are stationed in the stairwells and corridors to monitor traffic and may even ask to inspect larger bags that could be used to hide an infant.


Where should the cleaning cart remain during a turnover?

Outside of the OR

Taking the cart in and out of dirty rooms creates a pathway for infectious organisms to ride in and out of other rooms on the cart. It should remain in the hallway to stay clean.


Where do you have to put your mask on for your shift?

2nd Floor (Patient Care Areas/Public Areas)

Masks must be worn in patient care areas and public areas. Patients are transported between PACU, SDS, and the OR, so anywhere on the 2nd floor in Periop, masks should be worn at all times. 


The product we use on the floor during turnover is _______



Eyewash station logs are kept at.....

At the eyewash stations

The collected sheets are stored at the OR control desk in a binder for previous months. 


The emergency shower can be located in the _______

Decon Room / Headrest Wash Room 

The emergency shower can be used if you are doused in chemicals or bio waste. It is routinely checked by maintenance


__________ should be removed from the room BEFORE you start wiping the surfaces and mopping.

Contaminated items

Trash, linen, and bio waste should all be removed from the room before you start your turnover.


True or False? I can wear a long sleeve shirt under my scrub shirt?


Any undershirts should be covered by your clean and freshly laundered hospital scrubs. 


The time a surface must remain wet with product for effective disinfection to occur is also called the ________

Dwell Time or Contact Time 


Fluid can remain in the fluid warmers for how long...

2 weeks 

All fluid must be clearly labeled and marked with an expiration date when they are placed in the warmers. 


There is an emergency and we need to evacuate our patients out of the building. What device can be used to take patients down the stairs?

Med Sled

The Med Sleds are hanging around the peripheral hallways. The med sleds open and unfold in to a rigid plastic sled that can be used to transport patients down the stairs in the event of an emergency. 


You have to do this to the dirty case cart before taking it down down the hallway after you've completed your turnover. 

Flip the sign to BIOHAZARD and shut the door

If you have an open wire cart (no door), it must be covered with a case cart bag and a biohazard sticker should be applied.


You are the runner and you need to drop an item off in an OR during the surgery. What do you need to wear?

Surgical Mask & Eyewear

Ear loop masks cannot be worn into the room if the patient is in the room. Eyewear must be worn if there is a patient in the room. 


The dwell time for Oxivir is  _________

5 minutes 


Linen must remain ___________ when stored. 


Linen must be covered when stored. This means it must be kept in a closed cart, or the linen cart covers must be kept down (not flipped over the top of the cart). Gowns placed in the cores must also be covered. 


There is a fire in the OR. We evacuate vertically to ________ or _________.

PACU/SDS  &  Endoscopy


You must complete this step before you start mopping the floor....

Wipe surfaces. 

Wiping the surfaces can brush debris and bio waste onto the floor. Mopping should occur once surface wiping is completed. This allows the mop to remove all debris and contaminants that fall. 


When cleaning an OR, the PPE you wear for a turnover must include ________ and ____________ . 

Gloves and Eyewear

Eyewear must be worn anytime there is a risk for splash. Since you are working with liquid chemicals, eyewear must be worn during turnovers. 


The dwell time for Virex is  _________

10 minutes 


Where can you locate the Safety Data Sheets?

The intranet homepage

The purpose of a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is to provide information on the hazards of working with a chemical and procedures that should be used to ensure safety. SDSs are a primary source of information regarding chemical hazards and handling.


R.A.C.E  and P.A.S.S stand for.....

Rescue, Alert, Confine, Extinguish

Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep 

These steps are critical to remember in the event of a fire. 


The door should remain _______ when turning over the room. 



______ should never be worn in the hallways.


Gloves should be worn only during potential exposure to a patient's blood, body fluids, bodily tissues, mucous membranes, or broken skin. Gloves should never be worn in the hallways, in the elevators, or for serving multiple patients. Hand hygiene is best practice for protecting yourself from infection transmission.