In "The Most Dangerous Game," what is the name of the island where the story takes place?
Ship Trap Island
What personal traits allow the survivors to endure in "The Cost of Survival"?
Their courage, resourcefulness, and endurance help them survive the harsh conditions.
What is the main theme of "The Most Dangerous Game"?
The main theme is the nature of humanity, especially the morality of hunting and killing.
What does the island in "The Most Dangerous Game" symbolize?
It symbolizes isolation and the primitive, animalistic instincts of humans.
"The world is made up of two classes—the hunters and the huntees." Which story is this quote from?
"The Most Dangerous Game."*
What is "The Moral Logic of Survivors Guilt" about? Define it
It's about feeling bad living when someone else dies
In "Moral Logic," which traits of the soldiers are highlighted in facing tough ethical decisions?
The characters’ sense of duty, sacrifice, and responsibility are explored through their choices
In "Moral Logic," what is the primary issue?
The issue is whether it is morally right to sacrifice a few to save the many.
What could the men in "The Voyage" have done when they kept facing storms?
In "Moral Logic," what does the statement “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” suggest about the story’s moral argument?
It supports the idea of self-sacrifice for the greater good.
In "The Cost of Survival," what motivates the survivors to risk their lives?
Their motivation is adventure and accomplishing things.
Who is the protagonist (good) and antagonist (bad) of "The Most Dangerous Game"?
Rainsford is protagonist and Zaroff is Antagonist
How does "The Most Dangerous Game" challenge the reader’s perception of right and wrong?
The story blurs the line between hunter and prey, questioning what it means to be civilized versus savage.
Identify the main irony in "The Most Dangerous Game."
The irony is that Rainsford, a skilled hunter, becomes the hunted on the island.
What does the protagonist’s description of the sea represent in "The Voyage"?
The sea represents the unknown and the challenges of growing up and facing life’s uncertainties.
What journey is described in "The Voyage," and what does the voyage say about Schakelton?
The Voyage is a journey on a boat but also represents that Shakelton keeps trying to reach his destination.
What is something Shakleton does in "The Voyage" to help his men?
Shakleton gives them extra food and warm drinks
What theme is common between "The Cost of Survival" and "The Voyage"?
Both explore themes of survival and the human will to endure difficult circumstances.
In "Moral Logic," who do they say are people who feel survivors guilt?
Soldiers, adventurers, natural disastor survivors
In "The Cost of Survival," how does the author use tension to highlight the stakes of survival?
The author uses rising tension, descriptive language, and vivid imagery to emphasize the life-or-death nature of the decisions the characters face.
What comes at the end of a quote
What needs to be included in the citation for our paper?
(Authors name, Page #, para #).
What is something you can say right before the quote?
In the text it says
What is your reasoning supposed to do?
Explain to your reader why you're right, prove your point
What's one way you can start your reasoning?
This quote shows..